
  • Butternut Squash Beef Chili

    Soups and stews are an easily digestible meal to enjoy for lunch or dinner. Packing a thermos of chili to take to work is a great way to ensure you’re getting adequate protein and fiber to keep you fueled in your day. The squash adds a nice creamy component to the dish, and incorporates more…

  • White Bean Borscht

    Borscht can come in many forms, it’s not in fact a simple recipe. It’s more of a process created out of necessity by peasants in Eastern Europe needing to feed their families with what they had. It comes in endless varieties, and the white beans in this one add protein and creaminess to the bite.…

  • Pumpkin Seed and Almond Granola

    Granola is an easy breakfast cereal to make and always tastes better than store-bought. The almonds add a delicious crunch, lower blood sugar levels, reduce blood pressure, and lower cholesterol levels. Those benefits make them a great highlight for a healthy breakfast, compared to store-bought granolas and cereals which are often full of sugar. Served…


    According to a recent study, 92% of all New Year’s resolutions fail. While resolutions aren’t exactly goals, they’re close enough that this stat is alarming. What if only 8% of people who resolved to go to college actually enrolled? What if only 8% of partnerships succeeded?
