White Bean Borscht Soup in a Bowl

White Bean Borscht

Any Season
Serves 4
Time: 1 Hour 15 Minutes

Borscht comes in endless varieties—it’s not in fact just one recipe, it’s more of a process created out of necessity by peasants in Eastern Europe needing to feed their families with what they had. It comes in endless varieties, and the white beans in this one add protein and creaminess to the bite. This comes together quickly, and since borscht isn’t just one thing, feel free to experiment with what vegetables you have on hand!

Nutritional Powerhouse: Beets are rich in folate, a vitamin that plays a key role in growth, development, and heart health. They also contain manganese, which is involved in bone formation, nutrient metabolism, brain function, and more. Plus, they’re high in copper, an important mineral required for energy production and the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters.


  • 1 Tbsp oil
  • 2 cups green cabbage, shredded
  • 1 medium onion, diced finely
  • ½ cup celery, diced finely
  • 1 cup sweet potato, diced
  • 2 cups beets, grated
  • 1 cup carrot, grated
  • ½ tsp sea salt
  • 1 can diced tomatoes
  • 3 cups veggie stock
  • 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 can cooked white navy beans
  • 3 Tbsp dry fresh dill, chopped


  1. Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pot over low-medium heat.
  2. Sautée the cabbage, onions, carrots, beets, and celery with the oil, dry dill, and sea salt until soft.
  3. Combine all of the remaining ingredients and bring to a simmer.
  4. Simmer for 1 hour, adjust the seasoning as needed, and add fresh dill at the end of cooking.
  5. Enjoy

What Is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is an award-winning health retreat located in the lush forests of British Columbia, Canada. Founded in 1991, our health reset program helps 16 guests at a time unplug, recharge, reconnect with nature, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. Our nutrition program uses local, organic ingredients and reduces inflammation and balances blood sugar levels and hormones. To learn more about Mountain Trek, and how we can help reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

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