Whether a professional athlete, career professional, or a professional mom, we all need coaching to be our best.
While at our retreat in British Columbia, our caring staff and remote location make it easy to immerse into a genuine health transformation. However, returning home to work responsibilities, relationship commitments, time constraints, and a lack of like-minded support can derail one’s best intentions to adopt new healthy lifestyle habits. We acknowledge the investment in balanced health our guests make when attending the Mountain Trek Retreat and want to ensure long-term success to their healthspan and vitality.
Whether it’s weekly or monthly, having a professional health coach support habit change increases success. Sometimes that support may be brainstorming solutions to life’s obstacles, prioritizing relevant habit choices, offering current science-backed information (the “why” to change), and creating accountability check-ins, and celebrating success. Other needs may be to explore the mental-emotional blocks to deservedness and boundary implementation that often lead us to self-sabotage our goals.
If this resonates with you, we invite you to explore Balanced Health coaching with program director, Kirk. Use the link below to schedule a complimentary exploration session.
- Changes body composition (increase muscle, lose weight/fat)
- Lowers stress levels (cortisol hormone)
- Improves sleep quality
- Increases and sustains energy levels by balancing key hormones
- Detoxifies your body by accelerating eliminatory systems
- Improves metabolic rate and gut microbiome health
- Strengthens mental health by reducing anxiety and self criticism through mindfulness education and training.
- Elevates human growth hormone levels (youth hormones), supports weight loss, increases creativity, improves skin health, promotes deeper sleep, and naturally eliminates toxins.