Mountain Trek is rated one of the best wellness retreats in the world not only because of our in-person health reset program, but also the continued effort we make to educate, inspire, and support new and repeat guests alike.


We look forward to experiencing a transformative vacation with you in the lush forests of British Columbia.

Find the information you need to plan and prepare for time at the retreat on our travel & preparation page:

Health Articles

Transferring our 30+ years of knowledge and insights is something we take pride it. Please find all of our latest articles with the link below:

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We believe food is fuel, and offer recipes that reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar levels and hormones, and improve energy levels and gut health.


In our first-ever cookbook, “Cookbook Volume One”, you will find a collection of 50+ omnivorous, majority plant-based, micro-nutrient-dense, and macro-nutrient-balanced recipes served to guests attending the health retreat. These nourishing meals will bring you the benefits of balanced blood sugars, increased physical energy and stamina, mental clarity and performance, and emotional balance. Enjoy the creative process of cooking these meals and the opportunity to mindfully savor the flavors and textures. In addition to the recipes, you will find a more thorough investigation of the retreat’s nutrition program to be used as a resource for implementing sustainable change in your life.


Mountain Trek’s newsletter is an experience of its own. Not only do we keep you updated on what’s new and exciting at the lodge, we also pull from the depth of our resources, experience, and expertise to curate educational and entertaining content on health, happiness, and hiking.

Join our growing community by signing up on our newsletter page via the link below.


Whether a professional athlete, career professional, or a professional mom, we all need coaching to be our best.

Whether it’s weekly or monthly, having a professional health coach support habit change increases success. Sometimes that support may be brainstorming solutions to life’s obstacles, prioritizing relevant habit choices, offering current science-backed information (the “why” to change), and creating accountability check-ins, and celebrating success. Other needs may be to explore the mental-emotional blocks to deservedness and boundary implementation that often lead us to self-sabotage our goals.


We have been fortunate enough to collect knowledge about health and wellness for 33+ years now, and one of our core values is transferring this knowledge to our guests and community.

Discover a library of over 30+ discussions on various topics related to physical, mental, and emotional health with the link below.

Knowledge is power.

Awards & accOlades

Mountain Trek is the most awarded health & wellness retreat in Canada. Named the Best Health Retreat in Canada, the #3 Wellness Retreat in North America, and the #4 Health Spa in the World by Travel + Leisure, as well as Best Wellness Retreat in Canada by Condé Nast Traveler and Best Wellness Retreat in the World for active travelers by Outside Magazine.

#4 Health Retreat in the WOrld

With a rating of 94.79 out of 100, Mountain Trek was rated the #1 Health Retreat in the US & Canada and #4 Destination Spa in the entire world


With a rating of 95.89 out of 100, Mountain Trek holds the highest rating of any Health & Wellness Retreat in Canada

Best Wellness Retreat in the WOrld

Mountain Trek was rated 1 of the 14 Best Wellness Retreats in the World for Active Travelers
