Mountain Trek is rated one of the best wellness retreats in the world not only because of our in-person health reset program, but also the continued effort we make to educate, inspire, and support new and repeat guests alike.
Awards & accOlades
Mountain Trek is the most awarded health & wellness retreat in Canada. Named the Best Health Retreat in Canada, the #3 Wellness Retreat in North America, and the #4 Health Spa in the World by Travel + Leisure, as well as Best Wellness Retreat in Canada by Condé Nast Traveler and Best Wellness Retreat in the World for active travelers by Outside Magazine.
#4 Health Retreat in the WOrld
With a rating of 94.79 out of 100, Mountain Trek was rated the #1 Health Retreat in the US & Canada and #4 Destination Spa in the entire world
With a rating of 95.89 out of 100, Mountain Trek holds the highest rating of any Health & Wellness Retreat in Canada
Best Wellness Retreat in the WOrld
Mountain Trek was rated 1 of the 14 Best Wellness Retreats in the World for Active Travelers