
  • Your votes are in – we’re going to JAPAN!

    Recently Mountain Trek asked our alumni and Facebook fans to vote on where we should go for our overseas hiking adventure in 2014. Guess what won?  

  • A Daily Account of the Mountain Trek Program

    Recently we asked two visitors to the Mountain Trek to document their daily revelations, pains, challenges and successes. Each was given the same list of questions over the six days and they’re responses are an excellent snapshot of how people change throughout the program.

  • CNN features Mountain Trek

    Atlanta-based CNN posted an article about how Mountain Trek is one of the best get-fit retreats in the Americas. In it, Kirkland is quoted as saying: “People are tired of sitting on the beach with a Mai Tai…A week without hearing a car can blow someone’s mind.”

  • Q&A with client Debra Fordham

    Q: Tell us about your expectations. A: My experience at Mountain Trek literally did change my life. After six days of eating healthy foods, exercising and detoxing my entire physiology changed. When I got home I no longer craved soda or Oreos.

  • 9 Reasons Why You Need a Mountain Trek Health Retreat

    It’s the end of winter. Your vitamin D stores are somewhat depleted and the Christmas/New Year’s weight might be stubbornly hanging on. It’s time to re-energize by getting active, eating good food, breathing fresh mountain air and surrounding yourself with like-minded people.

  • Travel + Leisure Recommends Mountain Trek

    Mountain Trek shares some esteemed company in Travel + Escape’s “5 Wellness Getaways For Mind, Body and Soul” article.

  • Our Program Isn’t Just For Losing Weight

    The appeal of fitness vacations like Mountain Trek is a growing trend among athletes and health conscious people as well, that aren't necessarily “fat”. Read about how the fit and healthy can benefit too.

  • 8 Ways to Make the Most of your Fitness Vacation

    Structured programs, such as the one offered at Mountain Trek Fitness Retreat and Health Spa, go beyond the basics of a morning fruit smoothie and pool volleyball. Savvy guests are looking for services, treatments and consultations that cater to all areas of health and they see the advantage of an on-site group of therapists and practitioners…

  • Best Get Fit Retreats In and Around The US

    Executive Travel magazine chooses Mountain Trek as one of the best get-fit retreats in and around the USA.  Along with Mountain Trek in British Columbia; Miraval in Tuscon, AZ, Kalon Surf School in Costa Rica, Maya Tulum in Mexico, Red Mountain Resort in Utah, and The BodyHoliday in St. Lucia were also named. Guests to…

  • It’s More than Just Transformation

    When Deborah Stone joined us last year for a health and fitness vacation, she gained more than just a renewed sense of vitality; facing personal challenges in a nurturing atmosphere can bring people together.
