9 Reasons Why You Need a Mountain Trek Health Retreat
It’s the end of winter. Your vitamin D stores are somewhat depleted and the Christmas/New Year’s weight might be stubbornly hanging on. It’s time to re-energize by getting active, eating good food, breathing fresh mountain air and surrounding yourself with like-minded people.
Mountain Trek Reviewed on “Lisa Johnson Fitness”
A popular America pilates and fitness icon weighs in on how much her experience at Mountain Trek changed her life forever.
Letting the Body Heal
The body’s ability to heal itself has always amazed me. I suffered from asthma my entire childhood and now I’ve been puffer-free for over 15 years. I attribute my healing to listening to my body’s cues. These are the little, hidden messages your body gives you; its way of communicating. My asthma was a clue,…
Sleep Tips for Beating the Winter Blues
Maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle in the darker winter months is vital to staying healthy and combating Seasonal Affective Disorder. Also it's important to maintain proper nutrition as well. Combined these tips can help beat the winter blues.
Nutrition Tips for Beating the Winter Blues
By Jennifer Keirstead, Holistic Nutritionist Do you get the winter blues, and eat more sugar and junk food than you care to admit? The weather and season affect our mood and health in profound ways. The lack of sunlight affects our serotonin and melatonin levels and disrupts our circadian rhythm – the body’s internal clock…
Sleep and Stress
If insomnia is plaguing your sleep, you are probably one of the 75% suffering from too little, or frequently interrupted rest, that is triggered by a current stressor (it’s also a symptom of menopause.) Most studies show that poor sleepers tend to have higher levels of cortisol and related stress hormones in their bloodstream. Cortisol affects our sleep…
Stress Less…Sleep Deep
If you are having difficulty falling asleep at night, try walking the perimeter of your home…checking that doors and windows are locked. Sounds silly, but you will allow the unconscious to relax, knowing that “all is safe”, when it is stimulated by high levels of the stress hormone “Cortisol”, this part of your mind will relax…enabling us…