The Importance of Digital Detox and How To Do It
Find out why our digital devices are so addictive and how you can do a digital detox program in your own home.
Why Mountain Trek Is The Perfect Girls Getaway
We reveal why you and the girls should visit Mountain Trek. (And don’t worry: what happens at Mountain Trek, stays at MT.)
21 Reasons To Visit Mountain Trek in Beautiful British Columbia
These stunning photographs will inspire you to visit Mountain Trek for sure.
Metro Recommends Hiking to Health with Mountain Trek
Writer Vawn Himmelsbach visited Mountain Trek this June. Here is the story she did for Metro about rebooting her metabolism at our “luxury alpine lodge overlooking Kootenay Lake.”
Toronto Cycling Club Recommends Mountain Trek
Recently Toronto journalist Trish Synder attended Mountain Trek to write an article for Reader Digest’s “Best Health” publication. She was so taken with the program she also decided to do a blog post for her Toronto biking club that explained why even fit road cyclists should visit Mountain Trek.
9 Reasons Why You Need a Mountain Trek Health Retreat
It’s the end of winter. Your vitamin D stores are somewhat depleted and the Christmas/New Year’s weight might be stubbornly hanging on. It’s time to re-energize by getting active, eating good food, breathing fresh mountain air and surrounding yourself with like-minded people.
How to Properly Fit a Pair of Hiking Boots
Here are the 9 things you need to do in order to ensure your hiking boots fit perfectly.
Abandon the Heels for a Heath Retreat
Cynthia Dial wondered if she could shift from being a savvy urbanite to a sturdy hiker. Her everyday fitness was enough though to get started with a fitness vacation retreat, so she decided to take the leap. Read more to find out about Cynthia’s experience at Mountain Trek last summer…
Mountain Trek: The Transformation Vacation
Last summer, entertainment lawyer and travel writer Lynn Burshstein joined us to explore the mountains and transform her lifestyle. Here’s her review of the Mountain Trek experience on “Delectably Chic!”.
Summer Lovin’ Health Spa Vacation All This Fall
Summer is going on and on in the West Kootenays of British Columbia, and we’re still out exploring the beautiful mountains. Our fall program is well underway and each week, our guests are loving the golden light and balmy temperatures. October is a great month for spending days outside, especially as many people struggle with…