Toronto Cycling Club Recommends Mountain Trek
Recently Toronto journalist Trish Synder attended Mountain Trek to write an article for Reader Digest’s “Best Health” publication. She was so taken with the program she also decided to do a blog post for her Toronto biking club that explained why even fit road cyclists should visit Mountain Trek.
Electrolytes: Myth-busted!
Here are five quick myths that Mountain Trek guests learn about electrolytes and ones that every active person should know.
Your votes are in – we’re going to JAPAN!
Recently Mountain Trek asked our alumni and Facebook fans to vote on where we should go for our overseas hiking adventure in 2014. Guess what won?
Q&A with Client Phil Lanni
Why has Phil kept coming back to Mountain Trek every year for over a decade? “I like the adrenaline of pushing myself to the point where I feel I just can’t go any further – and then I do.” Read more about Phil’s story.
CNN features Mountain Trek
Atlanta-based CNN posted an article about how Mountain Trek is one of the best get-fit retreats in the Americas. In it, Kirkland is quoted as saying: “People are tired of sitting on the beach with a Mai Tai…A week without hearing a car can blow someone’s mind.”
Our Program Isn’t Just For Losing Weight
The appeal of fitness vacations like Mountain Trek is a growing trend among athletes and health conscious people as well, that aren't necessarily “fat”. Read about how the fit and healthy can benefit too.
How to Properly Fit a Pair of Hiking Boots
Here are the 9 things you need to do in order to ensure your hiking boots fit perfectly.
Mother Nature is the Pill for Real Health
Guests at Mountain Trek learn about the importance of time spent in nature for good health. Now there is a growing body of evidence showing exposure to nature is the root of good health and wellness. At Mountain Trek, we witness over and over the stress reduction and improved well-being of our guests each day, which contributes…
Who Comes to Mountain Trek?
Fitness Vacations aren’t just for people wanting to lose weight anymore. At Mountain Trek, we host people from all parts of the globe, ages and fitness levels, and occupation. In fact, one of the most fulfilling components of the job is meeting such a variety of amazing people wanting to make healthy changes in their…
Get Moving for Your Health in 2012
Are you still looking for a bit of inspiration to get moving and stay active? Again and again, the message is about how vitally important it is to incorporate exercise into your life. Dr. Mike Evans, a physician and health columnist has made a strong case for walking as the best and easiest preventative medicine.…