
  • 9 Reasons Why You Need a Mountain Trek Health Retreat

    It’s the end of winter. Your vitamin D stores are somewhat depleted and the Christmas/New Year’s weight might be stubbornly hanging on. It’s time to re-energize by getting active, eating good food, breathing fresh mountain air and surrounding yourself with like-minded people.

  • Stress Less on Your Business Trip

    Does your career require you to travel? Whether you love or hate it, it doesn’t have be a dreaded journey of indigestion, poor sleep, stress and anxiety. Is it possible to adopt a “spa retreat” state of mind along the way, so your cortisol isn’t sky high? With a bit of planning and intention, there…

  • Detox Your Mind

    Fed up with the steady onslaught of bad news and anxiety in the world?  With the depressing media stories and global strife which creates worry over things you have no control over, the daily news does not often support a peaceful and relaxed state of mind. Thanks to technology, bad news is everywhere now, and…

  • How Long can Rapid Weight Loss be Sustained?

    As people research their options of boot camp-style fitness programs, they often ask; “how long should I go for the most lasting impact?” And “How can I continue rapid weight loss after I’m back home?” Besides taking a break and unplugging from their busy lives for some adventure and unparalleled hiking terrain, for many people, quick…
