
  • Engaging Your Core For Fitness


    As the name suggests, our core is integral to every movement we make. It’s a complex series of muscles that extend well beyond your abs and include everything except for your arms and legs. In this article, and in the video below, Mountain Trek’s fitness director Cathy Grierson talks about how to engage your core…

  • Dr. Josh on How To Eat Smarter & Lose Weight

    Mountain Trek offers Lifestyle Performance Coaching via clinical psychologist Dr. Joshua Klapow, who’s also an alum of our retreat. It seems the good doctor is also adept at explaining matters of nutrition as well given an article that has appeared on In it, Dr. Josh is asked to explain how to eat smarter through “mindful…

  • Bedtime Yoga | Best Restorative Poses to Promote Sleep

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    For this instructive video, we enlisted the help of Mountain Trek’s yoga teacher and fitness instructor Katya Hayes to show us some relaxing bedtime yoga techniques.

  • Easy Ways to Digital Detox


    “Digital detox” is a buzz phrase we’re hearing more of lately but what exactly is it and why should we do it? After all, isn’t technology meant to improve our lives, helping us keep more connected and freeing up time so we can concentrate on other things? It is true that technology has vastly improved certain aspects…

  • 10 Tricks to Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

    Halfway through January is when most people start falling off the wagon and foregoing all the resolutions they made on New Year’s Eve. But with these 10 easy-to-follow guidelines, you can have a better chance of sticking with your resolutions and watching them become healthy habits you’ll enjoy for a lifetime. 1. Be Specific Don’t…

  • Back pain? Read This Before Getting A Back Brace

    If you suffer from lower back pain, you may be considering using a back brace for your workout. It’s common to see braces being used in the gym; however, a back brace may be doing more harm than good.  Nearly 80% of North Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives. For…

  • How to Reduce Stress With Meditation


    Mountain Trek’s program director Kirkland Shave says more often he’s meeting guests at the lodge who are struggling with stress. Whether it’s their work, family life, or personal troubles, he says that many people come to the lodge to escape their daily stresses, immerse themselves in nature, get a good night’s sleep, and, ultimately relax. However, when…

  • Why You Need To Stop Calorie Counting Right Now


    Recently Mountain Trek’s nutrition expert Jennifer Keirstead was asked whether calorie counting is beneficial for those who are looking to lose weight and improve their fitness. Below is her response but before we jump into it, let’s first define the subject at hand. What Is Calorie Counting? Calorie counting is the act of adding together…

  • Better Homes & Gardens Features Mountain Trek

    One of the most popular magazines in North America has just featured Mountain Trek in its most recent issue. The August 2016 edition of Better Homes & Gardens has a story called "Gear Up" in which Mountain Trek's head guide Cathy Grierson is asked to provide her choices for what will help keep you comfortable and safe on the hiking trail. …

  • Beginner Workout Mistakes to Avoid


    As the Fitness Director at Mountain Trek, Cathy Grierson receives a lot of questions about exercise: when to do it and how often; what the best techniques are; and how to avoid injury. Recently she received a question that we thought warranted its own post-follow-up as it’s important for most guests of Mountain Trek Fitness Retreat…
