Articles & Recipes
Battling the Winter Blues with Exercise
When you exercise, a number of positive things happen, including the release of chemicals called endorphins, which triggers a euphoric feeling. Exercise can elevate mood, and decrease lethargy. Read more in Cathy’s blog.
How is Sprouted Grain Bread Different?
Sprouted grain bread is becoming mainstream, and for good reason. Sprouting makes seeds come to life, as they literally begin to grow little shoots, making their nutrients more digestible. Whole grains naturally contain valuable vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, and phytochemicals; sprouting makes these valuable nutrients more bio-available. Read more…
Letting the Body Heal
The body’s ability to heal itself has always amazed me. I suffered from asthma my entire childhood and now I’ve been puffer-free for over 15 years. I attribute my healing to listening to my body’s cues. These are the little, hidden messages your body gives you; its way of communicating. My asthma was a clue,…
Be the Change: 10 Tips for Transformation
It’s pretty easy to get into a rut – eating patterns, inactivity, stress and lack of adequate rest all settle into a predictable rhythm. Each January, many of us plan to transform our lifestyle, but those high hopes can fizzle. Here are 10 tips to help you make transformation a reality. Focus on one or…
Manna Bread Sandwich
This open-faced manna bread sandwich is delicious and nutritious, with plenty of absorbable vitamins and minerals. Make one today!
Green Goddess Smoothie
This powerful green smoothie, fortified with kale is perfect for breakfast, post morning workout snack or workout recovery drink. Find the recipe here.
Sleep Tips for Beating the Winter Blues
Maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle in the darker winter months is vital to staying healthy and combating Seasonal Affective Disorder. Also it's important to maintain proper nutrition as well. Combined these tips can help beat the winter blues.
Minestrone with Grass-Fed Beef Recipe
This delicious soup will warm your heart and your bones as the days get colder. Our gourmet chefs prepare our spa cuisine focusing our your bodies’ nutritional needs without sacrificing taste and experience. Eating healthy never tasted so good. Check out a what a typical day at luxury weight loss boot camp can be for…
Why Snowshoeing is the Ultimate Winter Workout
What better way to see out the old, and ring in the New Year than walking on top of the snow, breathing fresh air in a winter wonderland, while melting off inches from holiday indulgence? Our popular Winter Snowshoe Program is a fun and adventurous way to burn an average of 450 to 550 calories…