Articles & Recipes
National Post Food Writer Inspired by Mountain Trek
Food writer and journalist Amy Rosen just visited Mountain Trek and in her recent “Dish” column in the National Post she says, “I’m freshly back from a trip out west to a detox/hiking/fitness/bootcamp called Mountain Trek (located in the beautiful Selkirk and Purcell Mountain Ranges in the Rockies, perched above a winding 100 km lake). I’ve returned…
14 Hacks To Ensure the Best Travel/Trek Experience Ever
Enjoy these poignant pieces of advice and think of them when you pack your bags to explore the beauties of your own country or to travel around the world.
Mountain Trek on BC Living’s Must Do List
Of Mountain Trek, BC Living declares, “this alpine resort offers invigorating exercise, organic cuisine, detoxing saunas and massages — as well as classes in nutrition, stress management and sleep hygiene.”
Everything You Need to Know About Sodium
In this post, we take a look at one of humanity’s oldest seasonings, how it impacts our bodies and how to ensure you’re not consuming too much.
Metro Recommends Hiking to Health with Mountain Trek
Writer Vawn Himmelsbach visited Mountain Trek this June. Here is the story she did for Metro about rebooting her metabolism at our “luxury alpine lodge overlooking Kootenay Lake.”
Secrets for Integrating the Mtn Trek Experience into your Daily Life
Here are some tips for integrating the Mountain Trek program into your daily life and keeping the overall experience alive.
Why Potassium is so Important for your Body
Here are the facts everyone should know about potassium and how this important mineral applies to your overall health.
Top 5 On-the-Go Snacks
It seems the word ‘busy’ doesn’t even begin to cover most of our days. And finding healthy snacks when you are constantly on the go can seem like a hard task. Especially when many of the store-bought snack options are not even real food. Here are five Mountain Trek approved snacks.
Mountain Trek’s Weight Loss Tips Shared With Best Health Magazine
Writer Trish Synder describes some of Mountain Trek’s best weight-loss tips for Best Health Magazine.
Q&A with client Markeeta Brown
“Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how well you do when your life is going swimmingly; it’s how you do when challenges are thrown at you. You have to have a plan to go through those periods of your life and the Mountain Trek program definitely helps with that,” says Markeeta Brown. Read more about her story.