Articles & Recipes
5 Reasons Your New Year’s Resolutions Fail
Sorry to break it to you, but New Year’s resolutions don’t work. In fact, 92% of them fail. Don’t believe us? Think back to any of the ones you’ve made. Perhaps you vowed to read more, and ended up reading more of your eyelids. And maybe you said you’d eat more healthfully, and then found…
5 Steps To A Merry, Healthful Holiday
The holidays are a time for family, warmth, and indulging — but we can often end up with bad sleep habits, little or no fitness regimen, and putting on a couple of unwanted pounds from holiday festivities. However, you can still enjoy the holidays without going overboard and go into the holiday season with confidence! These…
Spiral Chicken with Mashed Cauliflower and Cranberry
This dish is great any day but makes an especially fantastic holiday meal in lieu of a whole chicken and fixings. The savory mushroom stuffing coils through the rolled chicken to produce spiral discs when sliced. Guests will think you have made an exceptional effort, but the preparation is actually simple. We think of it…
Why There’s No Caffeine At Mountain Trek
The short answer? The Mountain Trek program seeks to balance your hormones for optimal health. For most people, caffeine increases cortisol — and cortisol negatively impacts your metabolism. Cortisol is the body’s primary stress hormone, and it operates inversely to DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) — the “youth” or “rejuvenating hormone.” DHEA builds muscle, burns calories, and lowers…
Smoky Pumpkin Chili with Organic Beef
Pumpkin might not be an obvious addition to chili, but we find it gives body. On cool days, pumpkin chili really hits the spot with the smoky, spicy flavors. Serves 4. INGREDIENTS 5 cup beef stock 2 cup canned, diced tomatoes 1 cup canned pumpkin 1 cup carrot, diced 1 cup celery, diced 1 1/2…
Struggling With Your Fitness + Nutrition Regimen? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions.
Oftentimes conversations about health focus solely on physical needs; but in order to achieve true vitality, we must look beyond the basics of water, food, shelter, and sleep. Humans have mental needs (creativity, learning, meditation), emotional needs (relationship, sharing of feelings, feelings of belonging), and spiritual needs (need for inspiration, contemplation, beauty, and context). Checking…
Captain Ainsworth’s Classic Fall Soup
This soup is named for the founder of our rural area, Ainsworth Hot Springs. We imagine a hot pot of earthy soup like this would have fed the miners toiling away on the nearby mountains a century ago. We’ve innovated with a little coconut milk to build a creamy base and added protein. Our Captain Ainsworth’s…
How To Prioritize Sleep
Did you know that humans are the only mammals that don’t prioritize sleep above all else. This is the time when your body and brain rest and reboot, and healthy sleep is crucial for long-term health and vitality. It’s as important as nutrition and fitness, but is usually the first thing that falls off our…
The Rise of “Forest Bathing” — And How Forests Reset Your Hormones
Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health And Happiness by Dr. Qing Li invites you to the world and art of Japanese “Shinrin-Yoku,” or “forest bath.” Dr. Li is one of the world’s leading experts on how time spent in deep nature improves health and lives. In his book, he writes beautifully and…
Our Favorite Bodyweight Exercises
It’s a difficult task to prioritize time for exercise and maintain fitness. Between work responsibilities, balancing home life, children, and travel, it’s easy to de-prioritize exercise. And when people do think about exercise, it’s often cardio. However, don’t forget stretching and support body strength. Many people are intimidated by free weights at the gym, but…