Articles & Recipes
Quick Energy Protein Smoothie -Take a minute for breakfast!
This is the early-morning High Energy Protein smoothie we serve our guests every day. It helps break our fast and kick start our metabolic process. We recommend mixing until really smooth to get the most out of the combined flavors. INGREDIENTS 1 cup frozen fruit, such as berries, mangos, and/or strawberries 1 tablespoon hemp oil…
2019 Mountain Trek Schedule Updates
As Sir Isaac Newton taught us, a body in motion stays in motion. At Mountain Trek, we believe this not only applies to the human body, but our program as well. We must constantly seek novel methods to improve the offering—that’s the only way we will continue to help you improve your health. While this…
Mountain Trek’s Morning Routine
I see you there, scratching your head as you read, “6:15AM Smoothie + Tonic” on our schedule for every day (!) of the week at Mountain Trek. And I see you scratching even harder when you read, “6:30 AM Gentle Yoga.” Here’s the deal with why we wake up at 6AM to drink “that stuff” within…
What’s so hot about hot springs? 5 Reasons to go for a soak
Hot springs are full-steam ahead on being the #1 luxury vacationers prioritize when picking their holiday destination. Why? Not only are they great for post-ski socializing, they work wonders for your body, physically and mentally.
SMART Goal Making With Our Fitness Director
Cathy Grierson has been Mountain Trek’s Head Guide & Fitness Director for almost two decades, and she’s not slowing down. She embodies ox-like strength and is a leading source of fitness-related non-quackery. In an attempt to become even one hundredth as physically tuned-up as Cathy, I sat down with her to chat about how she’s…
New Year’s Resolutions with Nutritionist Jenn
Last summer, I walked into Mountain Trek with a host of digestive issues. Food and I were not—I repeat and emphasize, NOT—on good terms. I was bloated. I was inflamed. I was crumbling. Jenn Keirstead, Mountain Trek’s nutritionist, fixed that – and within just one week. With her emphasis on non-inflammatory foods, and appropriate meal…
5 Reasons You Need to Start Hiking Right Now
We’re meant to be outside. The terrible thing is, most of us spend over 2,000 hours at our desks yearly. That’s like watching The Titanic 616 times in a row. The stress, the long hours, the sedentary nature of our chair-bound lives—it’s all sucking the life out of us. This year, take it outside. More…
New Year’s Resolutions with Kirk – Certified Life Coach
Last year, I took a week off from my Bay Area-based job to enjoy a week at Mountain Trek. I won’t deny the first few days were difficult—sugar is my vice—but mid-way through the program I noticed a fundamental change within—a change so monumental I decided to leave my job and start creating written content…
How To Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions
Ringing in the New Year is supposed to be exciting. The thing is, it’s often far from it. We’re hyped up on sugar while we enjoy the night’s festivities, but when we crash, we’re reminded how our New Year’s resolutions don’t last more than a few weeks. By which I mean a maximum of two…