Hiking is the basis of Mountain Trek’s program. Find out the best ways to hike, learn about the vacations and check out some of the hikes we guide visitors on.


Recover From New Years’ Resolution Setbacks

image of dice spelling old habits

How are your New Year’s Resolutions going? Still on track, or are you mired in self-defeat? If it’s the latter then we’re here to help. Setbacks are just part of the process when we make big changes. Perhaps you vowed you’d eat breakfast every morning and then fell back into the routine of consuming only three coffees before lunch. Or maybe you said you’d exercise three days a week and have only managed to go once or twice. Not to worry–you are not failing! You’re doing everything right by just deciding to make a positive change in the first place.

Here are six tips to encourage you and help keep your goals on track:

Remember, it can take upwards of three months to create a healthy habit. Continue to stick with your goals and you’ll be increasing your overall vitality in no time!

  1. Firstly, if you’ve suffered a setback the key is don’t beat yourself up over it. Just acknowledge it, try to discern why you slipped, and then immediately get back on track again.
  2. If you find yourself continually encountering setbacks, maybe the change you’re trying to implement is too big? Is it possible to make a smaller change that will lead to a healthier path? For example, if you wanted to hit the gym three times a week but are struggling to make it there even once, then edit your goal. Resolve to go to the gym once a week to start, and work your way up from there. 
  3. If you keep lapsing into a bad habit, such as snacking on potato chips throughout your workday, then swap out the context of the bad habit. Instead of potato chips, snack on baked kale chips instead. 
  4. Get outside! There’s no better tonic than a walk through nature in the fresh air. If you find yourself lapsing into self-judgment and despair, just take a step outside and breath deeply. It seems like such a simple solution but you’ll be shocked at how it clears your mind and puts you in a better mood.
  5. Phone a friend! You are not in this alone. Engage a family member or friend and tell them about where you’re having difficulty. You’ll be amazed at how just talking about it to a good listener will help put you back on track.
  6. Travel! Nothing helps you break a bad habit faster than completely changing your environment. It’s so much easier to reinvent yourself when you’re not surrounded by the same-old, same-old. The trip doesn’t have to be an epic cross-country adventure – you could simply book a room at a local hotel, take a good book, and relax away from the stresses of your regular life. 

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

How To Balance Work And Play

woman in a business suit without shoes playing in a fountain

About 50 years ago, many of us moved from work that involved standing and moving to desk jobs that require more sitting. Not only that, but work hours have increased since then. For some, two-thirds of our day is spent connected to our job in some capacity. This can make for an incredibly stressful lifestyle.

By spending all of our time either working or sleeping poorly, it damages our mental and physical health. After all, our system is designed to run after gazelles on the African savannah. It doesn’t feel good when we sit in front of a computer for 14 hours a day. 

The good news is there are some easy things that you can do in order to better balance your work and play. In our opinion, the latter doesn’t get emphasized enough in our current work-obsessed society. Having fun is just as important, if not more so, for personal health and happiness.

Inch by inch is a cinch, but yard by yard is hard.

The key to a good balance is not biting off more than you can chew at first. The first thing you want to do is make a list of things that you consider fun and make you happy – even if the list is only one activity long. 

Perhaps you haven’t found the time to get outside as much as you’d like. The key is to start small and set a SMART goal. Don’t expect yourself to go for an hour-long walk every afternoon right off the bat. But you can get outside, even if it’s just walking from your car to your office. For the first few days, park farther away than you normally would, and as you’re striding along, take deep breaths and remember what it was like to run freely through nature. Before entering your office, look up at the sky for 30 seconds and just enjoy the view. 

When you’re at your desk, follow these five steps:

  1. Take 10 minutes out of your workday and relax and just clear your mind. 
  2. Drink lots of water. Not only will it cleanse your system but it will force you to get up and move when you need bathroom breaks. It will also allow you to step out of your work mode for a few moments to give you time to think of other activities.
  3. Occasionally get up from your desk and stretch in a doorway or stare out the window at the sky. While you’re doing that, think about what makes you happy.
  4. The next time you’re perusing Facebook or on some other social media site, stop what you’re doing and instead Google classes, courses, groups, or apps that are related to the activity you love. Bookmark relevant sites. Even if you don’t sign up right then and there, it will be beneficial to have your mind dwell on it.
  5. Mention to a friend or co-worker about your desire for better work/play balance and the activity you would like to get involved in. By putting it out there, you’ll enlist the help of acquaintances and it will become “real” as opposed to a “wish” that only exists in your mind.

Try and do the above things every day and eventually you’ll find yourself setting aside more and more time for the activity you love. Learn more ways you can pamper yourself.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

Better Homes & Gardens Features Mountain Trek

Better Homes & Gardens Features Mountain Trek

One of the most popular magazines in North America has just featured Mountain Trek in its most recent issue. The August 2016 edition of Better Homes & Gardens has a story called "Gear Up" in which Mountain Trek's head guide Cathy Grierson is asked to provide her choices for what will help keep you comfortable and safe on the hiking trail. 

In the article, which appears in the "Better Family Travel" section of the magazine, Cathy (who used to be a park ranger before becoming a fitness guide at Mountain Trek) offers six tips for both those interested in getting into hiking and established trekkers.

#1. Dress in Layers

"The termparature can change drastically depedning on elevation and time of day, so check the weather and be ready with three layers," Cathy offers in the piece. She then goes on to describe the three different layers every hiker needs. 

#2. Travel Light

Aside from explaining the difference between a daypack and a full-on backpack, Cathy explains how to put one on: "Put the pack on so the weight is distributed evenly, loosen all straps, the tighten the waist belt and shoulder straps." 

#3. Wear the Right Shoes and Socks

"For day hikes, lightweight and flexible 'light hiker' shoes are best," Cathy says. She then goes on to describe what type of shoes to look for. To learn about how to properly fit a pair of hiking shoes, read here.

#4. Carry Enough Water

In the story Cathy explains the best way to carry H20: "A water bladder holds more than a bottle (up to 3 litres) and it nestles in your pack so you can hydrate hands-free."

#5. Buy Poles if Hiking Regularly

"The give you better balance and footing, reduce stress on your joints, and can help you feel like you're not working so hard," Cathy says. The article then goes on to describe some more benefits of poles including the fact you burn more calories when using them.

#6. Carry a First Aid Kit

Cathy finishes her recommendations with some items to include in your first aid kit on every hike such as moleskin, cloth tape, Band-aids and antibiotic ointment.

To read the Better Homes & Gardens article in its entirety, download the PDF of it here: August 2016_Better Homes & Gardens

Whether you're new to hiking, or have been doing it for years, we recommend you book Mountain Trek and enjoy world-class trails, supportive guides and all the amenities our all-inclusive resort offers:

  • complimentary massages
  • delicious boutique spa cuisine
  • natural hot springs
  • infrared sauna, outdoor hot tub and cold plunge pool
  • luxurious lodge in a natural setting far away from urban stressors

You're also guaranteed to reach your fitness goals with our program that's tailored to each individual. You can keep to your own pace but we'll make sure you get results. We hope to see you soon!

How To Care For Your Feet This Summer

pair of hiking boots in front of lake with flower in them

Any time of year is the best time of year for getting outside and having fun. But long days standing and walking can definitely take a toll on our feet. So whether you’re walking, dancing, hiking, or relaxing at the beach or cottage, make sure you’re taking good care of your foundation. Here are our recommendations for the perfect footwear to take with you and the best ways to pamper those tootsies.


Trail runners on a colorful autumn leafs


If fitness hiking or trekking are part of your activity plan, we definitely recommend light hikers. Unless you’re planning on crossing the Andes, in which case get a pair of proper mountaineering boots. Light-weight hikers provide ankle support but if your ankles are relatively strong, then we suggest a light hiker running shoe. Here are some more tips for finding and fitting the perfect hiking shoe.

trainer shoes with a beach and sunset in the background


Your footwear will depend on the intensity of your walking, but typically a pair of good trainers should suffice. These differ from light hikers in that they are lighter but provide less ankle support.

woman in high heels walking along a garden path


We know you absolutely love that pair of 6-inch stilettos. But before you plan to wear them all night long at that exotic night club, consider what they’re doing to your body. Wearing heels forces your ankles to bend forward, a movement that restricts circulation in your lower limbs. They also stiffen your Achilles’ tendons, put additional stress on the inner sides of your knees, and force your back to sway unnaturally. This process taxes your lumbar muscle, leaving you with a sore lower back. Save your spikes for that special night out and only walk around in them for no more than a few hours. Perhaps wear them to the nightclub and then change into comfortable flats or sandals.


While relaxing, your footwear could include anything from slippers to flip flops, sandals to bare feet. Obviously reserved for lounging poolside or at the beach or in your hotel room. We do not recommend going on a 5-km hike through town wearing flip flops. These types of footwear typically do not have any support so they should be reserved for relaxing activity. However, it’s still a good idea after spending a day in them, to enjoy a foot soak (see below).


The first thing you want to do before you set about a whole day on your feet is to prepare your feet properly


Remember to cut your toenails back, because if they’re too long they’re going to hammer against the end of your shoe. Make sure the corners of your nails are filed nicely so that your toes fit in your shoe, and when they’re continually moving for balance they don’t dig in and scrape each other.


Depending on the structure of your feet, you may also want to invest in orthotics, which will help counteract fallen arches, over-pronation, or excessive supination. Consult with your doctor before purchasing any orthotics as the wrong kind will end up doing more damage.

Blister Care and Prevention

Unless you run or hike regularly, chances are your feet are going to be negatively affected by a long march through a forest, on a beach, or through a city. And the last thing you want is painful blisters. If you’re planning a long walk or hike we recommend the first thing you do before putting on socks is apply Friar’s Balsam, or Tincture of Benzoin, to the heel of your foot. At Mountain Trek, that’s the colorful potion we dip Q-tips into and swab on the heels of your feet to anchor bandages on. You can find these at any pharmacy.

Our second recommendation is to use a tape called Mefix. Mefix is much thinner than MoleSkin and takes up barely any room in your shoe. We cut this tape to a 2 ½ inch length, round the corners so your sock doesn’t peel it off, and then stick that from the sole of your foot over your heel bone, working up the Achilles. Any friction that occurs as your foot goes up and down gets absorbed by the tape rather than your skin.

people applying blister prevention and foot care

Another product to use is called Molefoam. It’s a fuzzy foam pad that protects from pressure in our shoe. We cut little donuts and place them over bone spurs, bunions, callus points, and any place you’re worried about the pressure you normally feel in shoes.

In extreme cases, you might also want to invest in Lamb’s Wool. At Mountain Trek, we use this product for some guests that get blisters because their toes are overworking for balance. Simply weave the wool in between the toes so there’s something to alleviate friction and absorb moisture so the skin doesn’t get too soft and rub or peel off. Lamb’s wool can be purchased at your local pharmacy.

Soak Your Feet in Healing Salts

Finally, whether you’ve just gone on an all-day hike or have lounged on the beach with your feet in the sand, there’s nothing better than a foot soak at the end of the day. Fill a basin with hot water, add a teaspoon or two of Himalayan bath salts and then slowly immerse your feet. Better yet, fill an entire bathtub with water and a 1/4 cup of bath salts and immerse your whole body. Then all you have to do is relax, enjoy the warm sensation and let the salts go to work on your body. 

These are just a few of the benefits of Himalayan bath salts:

  • Detoxifies the body by balancing systemic pH
  • Improves hydration by providing trace minerals
  • Improves the mineral status of the body
  • Reduces muscle cramps by improving minerals and hydration
  • Helps balance blood sugar
  • Supports hormone balance for everyone, no matter what hormonal issues you face
  • Helps balance blood pressure because it provides unrefined, mineral-rich salt in an ionic solution
  • Improves sleep by supporting blood sugar and hormone balance
  • Acts as a powerful antihistamine
  • Supports weight loss by balancing hormones and improving energy
  • Supports thyroid and adrenal function

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

Why Mountain Trek Is The Perfect Girls Getaway


Need an escape and health reset? Looking for a healthy alternative for your ultimate bachelorette? At Mountain Trek, enjoy lots of sunshine with clear blue skies and stunning views of the mountains, lakes, and rivers in this beautiful area of British Columbia.

Launch into recreation, relaxation, and retreat. You work hard all year round, and now it’s time to consider taking some space for yourself. Leave behind the stress and worry of your job, your child-rearing, or whatever it is that occupies so much of your time, if even for a little while. It’s a great thing to reward yourself with a healthy vacation, but imagine bringing along your girlfriends so you can all help support and encourage each other to get in shape and have fun!

Reasons for a Girls Getaway to Mountain Trek

1. The kids are away – time to play

Leave the children at home and enjoy this perfect opportunity to get away from your day-to-day and spend some much-needed time with your friends getting fit during the day and getting pampered at night with our massages, saunas, and world-famous hot springs.


2. Have the outdoors all to yourself

Can you imagine having the mountains all to yourself? The south-central region of B.C. is perfect because unlike areas such as Banff, Whistler, and every national park in the United States there are fewer tourists around. We’ll go on such iconic hikes as Idaho Peak and Fry Creek and it will be just you, your friends, and some of the most stunning mountainous views in the world.

3. Get on track for the year

Take time out for yourself to learn healthy routines and indulge. What better way to get into a healthy mindset than to visit Mountain Trek and discover all the ways to shed stress and be healthy. Eat delicious meals, boost your vitality and metabolism, become more active, and get your year back on track with all your closest friends by your side.

Girl's Get Away at Mountain Trek

4. Have a guaranteed support network when you get home

Sometimes the hardest part about attending Mountain Trek is leaving. It can be difficult to incorporate the healthy aspects of the program when you get back to your day-to-day but if you and your friends all return from the fitness retreat at the same time, you’ll be there for each other and help each other through those moments when it’s tough to stay on track. You’ll have a fitness friend, a confidante, and someone to share recipes with.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

21 Reasons To Visit Mountain Trek in Beautiful British Columbia

What a Spring this has been! We can’t remember the last time we’ve had such a beautiful, sunny and warm start to the season here at our lodge in British Columbia. The days have been averaging +18°C (64°F), wildflowers are blooming and the rest of the environment is fresh, green and revitalizing.

BC is so incredible this time of year but don’t just take our word for it. We’ve compiled 21 photographs into one article about all the reasons why the Kootenay Rocky Mountains are one of the most beautiful areas in the world. Do yourself a favor and come visit us to enjoy all the things listed below. We’ll still be savoring the mild Spring weather and you’ll be inspired to kickstart a healthy and happy summer. We look forward to seeing you and we’re sure you’re looking forward to enjoying these wonderful activities that make up the Mountain Trek program in BC:

Enjoy perfect weather and temperatures


Lounge on beaches


Soak in natural hot springs


Savor locally-grown food prepared by a master chef


Take in the unbelievable mountain scenery


Spot baby wildlife

Wildlife-spotting (1)

Breathe in the fresh clean air


Spend time on the many beautiful lakes here


Visit some of the many local streams and rivers


Enjoy bird watching


Explore historic towns


Swim in an alpine lake


Stop to smell the wildflowers

Flowers on the hiking trail

Watch unbelievable sunsets


Be invigorated by an inspiring environment


Connect with friendly people


Hike a mountain then rest on a beach


View beautiful waterfalls

Viewing waterfalls

Meditate and find inner peace


Practice your photography


What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning health retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you detox, unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

Mountain Trek featured in Canada’s Largest Newspaper

globeandmail mt image

Mountain Trek  was featured on the front cover of the Travel section of The Globe and Mail, Canada’s largest national newspaper, this month:

“7 hours a day of exercise…Welcome to your vacation.”

The Globe feature was written by Amy Rosen who found “bliss in a boot camp getaway.” She chronicled her experience in a diary-format and spoke of each day and what she ate, experienced, and witnessed from “halibut fish steaks with pineapple mango salsa” to “vibrant green old-growth forests.” This is an excerpt:

“Mountain Trek’s spa and fitness studio have floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the 100-kilometer Kootenay Lake. There are gardens and wildflowers, mountains and blue skies. Meals are local, organic, plated – and most delicious, enjoyed by guests around family-style tables. So that’s the good news. Back at my weigh-in, the excuses fly: “I’ve been traveling a lot, no time for exercise. It’s summertime … and those gin and tonics aren’t going to drink themselves!” Until, finally, acceptance: I’ve gained a few on the rump. Let’s. Do. This.”

Click here to read Amy’s entire article, and to experience a similar personal transformation to what she did, contact Mountain Trek and we’ll let you know about what program would best suit your needs.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning health retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you detox, unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

7 Reasons to Come to Mountain Trek

1. Beat the heat

-It’s not yet too hot! Spring offers some of the best weather for hitting the trail, since we’ve warmed up from winter, and are still cool before summer. Some of the most comfortable hiking temperatures available.

2. Our new spa

is just waiting for you to come try it out. We’ve been very busy over the winter and are proud to present our brand new, state of the art spa facility including an expanded infrared sauna, a deep, 8 person hot tub and cold plunge pool. Did we mention it overlooks stunning views of Kootenay Lake and the Purcell mountains? After a day of hiking, there’s no better way to totally and completely relax then to soak in the heat, and that view.

3. Freshest and greenest landscapes

that our alpine environment has to offer. Creeks and rivers are running their wildest, providing more uplifting negative ions than any other time of year. Nature is revitalized with spring and is literally bubbling over with vitality – and the same will be true for you!

4. Lose weight for bathing suit season

With summer just around the corner, look and feel your best to hit the beach. Not only are you guaranteed to lose weight while with us, but take home valuable strategies for life-long healthy nutritional and fitness habits.

5. Feel your absolute best

According to Scientific American, 75% of all Americans are deficient in the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D. There are also numerous studies that demonstrate the health benefits that being out in nature brings. Up your relaxation quotient and vitamin D with a week hiking in some of nature’s most spectacular landscapes!

6. We’re selling out – weeks are filling up fast!

With recent publicity in the Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post and Muscle & Fitness, among others,  Mountain Trek is on everyone lips, and minds. Don’t delay if you have a particular week or two that you’d love to come out. We’d love to have you, but with maximum guest numbers of only 16 per week, spots are filling up as we speak!

7. Save your airfare

Last but not least, the savings! This week only, we are offering our congratulations to all the grads out there, and to the loved ones who supported them on their academic journey, with a graduation week promotion of a $500 discount! This essentially means your airfare is on us. Take advantage of this rare promotion, and book for the week of June 7 today!

Your retreat is waiting for you! Call 1-800-661-5161 for more information, or to book now!

Happy Hikes: Choosing and fitting your backpack

Fitting the right backpack for youOne of the keys to a happy hike is having a well-fitting backpack. It’s hard to enjoy breath-taking views and outdoor activity if you feel like you’re hunched over giving a piggyback ride, or at all in pain. A good pack is absolutely essential hiking gear for storing your water, healthy snacks, an extra layer, and among other things. And as the spring and summer season gear up, so should we with all the right gear for our outdoor pursuits.

But the choices for this essential bit of kit can be absolutely overwhelming. How do we choose what size, design and suspension system of pack, and how do we ensure it fits correctly? In beginning this important deciding process, consider what terrain you’ll be visiting, your activity, the volume of what you’ll be carrying, and approximate weight. Here is a guide to help out when selecting your travel partner for the trails.

Sizes of Pack

Different volumes (measured in Litres) of pack are available for different activities and body sizes.

The day pack (15-35 Litres) as the name suggests, is perfect for the small outing or day hike. With little structure or frame if any, your load is supported by shoulder straps. A waist belt helps to keep everything centered. The alpine pack (35-55 Litres) is the perfect size for overnight jaunts, or day trips where you may need a little more equipment. Weight here is beared a little more on the hipbelt. A backpacking pack (55 – 75 Litres) is designed for multi-day trips, these packs have an internal structure to help with support, and do take some of the weight off the shoulders/back and onto the hips. The expedition packs (75 Litres +) are again, as the name suggests, designed for serious expeditions.

Pack Construction

Your backpacks take a lot of abuse on the trail, being thrown down, hoisted up, and possibly even be used as a seat. You need to make sure your pack will stand up to the stress and will last a long while. Check for a durable material, especially in high use areas on the pack; chunky, good quality zippers; and tightly stitched seams that are bar-tacked at stress points.


The purpose of pack suspension is to comfortably transfer weight to the hips and is comprised of several aspects of the pack. Shoulder straps should be designed to bear around 30% of your pack weight and should be relatively firm, yet padded. In no way should the shoulder straps pinch or chafe. Your hipbelt stabilizes the whole weight of your pack by keeping it in place, and for larger packs is the main weight-bearing area. Adjusting the suspension system to your body is imperative for a good fit. So how to fit your pack?

How to fit your pack

The first step to fitting your pack is determining your back or torso length. The size of the pack is based, on this, and not the overall size or height of the person. Find your c7 vertebra or the bump at the top of the spine/back of the neck. Tilting your head forward will allow you to find your c7 more easily. This is the top point of your measurement. Next, place your hands on your hips, fingers forward and thumbs back. This is the shelf upon which your pack will rest. Measure between these two points for your torso length, thereby determining your pack size; XS, S, M, L, etc. Keep in mind that each manufacturer’s sizing is different, so you want to use your torso length, not pack size after one measurement.

After determining your size of pack, put a bit of weight in the pack for sizing, maybe 10 – 20 pounds. Putting the straps on, settle the pack on your back, then secure the hipbelt directly over your hip ‘shelf’. The hipbelt pads should be snug enough that they are secure over the hip bones. Next, adjust your shoulder straps so that they are not touching your armpits, and are not pinching your neck. Secure your sternum strap. Last, have a walk around with your pack and adjust anything that feels unbalanced. A well-fitted pack will feel simply like you are a little heavier, like an extension of your own body, rather than something ‘on’ you. Keep in mind, if it doesn’t feel good in the initial stages, it definitely won’t feel good after hours on the trail. If in doubt; feel free to use the help of the knowledgeable staff at your local outdoor store!

How to pack your pack

Where weight is distributed in your pack will be huge for your body’s overall comfort and ability to last on the trail. Heaviest items should be placed closest to the back, with bulkier, lighter items on the bottom, outside, and top of the pack. Having a bottom-heavy pack will make you feel like you’re being dragged down, and a top heavy pack may make you feel like you’re about to topple over. Having those heavier items the closest to you will feel the most natural for your centre of gravity. Distributing weight evenly over the right and left sides will help a lot with your comfort too.

With these tips in mind, we hope you’ve found it helpful and motivating to get out there and hit the trail with your most important piece of equipment. Happy fitting and happy packing!

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning health retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you detox, unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:


Nordic Fitness Trekking

Nordic Fitness Trekking

Nordic Fitness Trekking
There are a few resorts and programs around North America that offer hiking as a small compenent of their fitness regimens but what differentiates Mountain Trek is the fact our main activity is so much more than just hiking: it’s Nordic Fitness Trekking!

A fun, off-road cousin to Nordic Walking, Nordic Fitness Trekking not only gets you outside and enjoying the best gym in the world, it also helps to engage 90 percent of your body’s muscles. It’s the perfect sport for those who want to see beautiful sites, burn calories, get fit and work off the kinks from sitting for so long everyday. Here are some other benefits from Nordic Fitness Trekking:

  • We employ Postural Ergonomic instruction to maximize muscle power while avoiding joint injury
  • We utilize Nordic Trekking Poles to ensure a full body workout, increased cardio output and to protect knees on the downhills
  • Your core stabilizer muscles are strengthened by trekking on varying terrain
  • Everyone’s stress hormone Cortisol is lowered (research proves that 50 minutes in “complex” nature lowers Cortisol and raises “feel good” hormones Serotonin and Oxcytocin)
  • Detoxification is encouraged via deep breathing clean, oxygenated air and releasing toxins through the lungs
  • You’ll sleep better and deeper thanks to the physical exertion coupled with fresh, clean air.

Have a look at the image above which depicts our program director Kirkland Shave participating in the style of Nordic Fitness Trekking promoted at Mountain Trek. You’ll notice his back is straight, knees are bent and his arms are fully engaged: they’re bent at a 90-degree-angle and when he plants his poles he uses his triceps to drive the poles down into the earth.

Another main benefit of our Nordic Fitness Hiking activity includes an increased sense of personal accomplishment! After all, nothing beats the empowered feeling of getting to the top of a mountain!

Health & Fitness Retreat in Canada’s Mountains

Health & Fitness Retreat

in Canada’s Mountains

With the current state of the Canadian dollar, many people are rethinking their vacation plans this year. Gone are the days of affordable retreats in the United States and abroad. Luckily there’s Mountain Trek, the only health and fitness retreat in Canada’s beautiful BC mountains. If losing belly fat, increasing your fitness level and reducing stress is important to you, and you don’t want to spend expensive US dollars, then call Holly or Lori in our Guest Services department and enjoy our special Canadian rate.

Mountain Trek’s lodge and spa is the most luxurious retreat you’ll ever visit!

It’s immersed in one of the most beautiful environments in Canada. Snow-capped peaks and beautiful lakes abound and the best part is there aren’t any crowds. Other tourist areas are overrun with people but the trails we hike are practically deserted and, because we only host a maximum of 16 guests per week, you’re guaranteed calming serenity.

As the only health and fitness retreat in Canada’s mountains, Mountain Trek ensures every guest is well taken care of with complimentary massages, delicious spa cuisine and a low guide-to-guest ratio. Our hiking program is specifically tailored to you and no matter what your fitness level, you’re guaranteed the most spectacular views and vistas in Canada.

Hiking Vacations

Hiking Vacations

Every Spring Mountain Trek offers its alumni the opportunity to go on hiking vacations that explore some the most celebrated, culturally rich trekking routes in the world. After you kick start your fitness and weight loss at Mountain Trek, we invite you to treat yourself to annual hiking vacations that include treks in Europe, Asia and South America.

Join Mountain Trek for once-in-a-lifetime hiking vacations offered around the world. These hiking vacations, although not part of our regular fitness and weight loss program, involve hiking every day, which will always help to increase your fitness level and boost your metabolism. With two to three different sessions, suited to different fitness levels, you’ll always trek at a pace that is comfortable and perfect for your ability. After you kickstart your fitness and weight loss at Mountain Trek, treat yourself to an adventure vacation and explore some of the most celebrated treks in the world.


In 2016 we visit the “land of the Thunder Dragon” and discover why Bhutan is the happiest place on earth. It’s a land of beauty, mystery and deeply held beliefs and the hiking is some of the best on the planet.

Mountain Trek Health & Fitness Retreat


Italy’s Amalfi Coast boasts centuries-old cathedrals, multi-hued houses on steep cliffs and a variety of walking experiences from medieval lanes to rugged pathways in pine forests – all of which we enjoyed in 2015!

Mountain Trek Health & Fitness Retreat


The land of the rising sun called to us in 2014. We explored the culture, visited temples and hiked the world-famous trails of Japan during the day. Then we relaxed in traditional hot spring onsens every night.

Mountain Trek Health & Fitness Retreat


There is no mistaking the allure of the tallest mountains in the world. The hiking in Nepal was spectacular and making it up to the Everest base camp was a highlight, literally. It was probably the highest most of us will ever go.

Mountain Trek Health & Fitness Retreat


In 2014 we hiked the Inca Trail, wandered through mountain villages, met the Quechua people and eventually made it to Machu Picchu, the famous Incan site built on a 8,000-foot peak.

Mountain Trek Health & Fitness Retreat


We followed the legendary Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in 2012 and finished our journey at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, in the northwestern part of the country.

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