
  • Calorie Counting – why it’s so inaccurate

    Joanne Holden of the USDA’s Nutrient Data Laboratory in Beltsville, Md., reported to the Chicago Tribune that the USDA has the world’s largest database with information on 100 nutrients for over 7500 foods.  The lab’s main purpose is to manage databases, including the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, the “gold standard” for nutritionists and… Read More

  • Know Your Vices: Caffeine

    Everyone’s favorite breakfast beverage is suspect. Whether it’s coffee or tea, most North Americans are drinking a caffeinated beverage in the morning. By following this comforting ritual, your cup of caffeine can lead to difficulty losing weight. The link between caffeine and weight gain was first identified in the late 1990s when Diabetes Education Centers reported… Read More

  • Know Your Vices: Alcohol

    While we can enjoy alcohol in moderation, we recommend that you get to know your vices a bit better in order to make good decisions about when you do decide to have a drink. How alcohol affects weight gain or weight loss depends on genetics, diet, gender, potential ‘sensitivity’ to it, and your habits.  No single food… Read More

  • Kirk’s Detox Tips: Spring Clean Your Body

    Kirk’s Detox Tips: Spring Clean Your Body

    Detoxing is the body’s way of spring cleaning. With winter well behind us, the sun warming our bodies and fresh food growing, the planet and our bodies are in line for renewal. The following are tips for supporting toxin release and making the most of a cleanse or just a great way to invigorate your body.… Read More

  • Kick Your Cravings to the Curb

    Cravings. We all get them. Those insidious little visits from our brains to our stomachs that beg for… chips!  Or chocolate! Or cheese and some of those tasty crackers that I know are in the cupboard. And those cravings can be responsible for a lot of the sugar and empty calories we consume throughout the… Read More

  • Reducing dairy = better weight loss

    This morning was my last guiding day of the season here in British Columbia.  As we close up shop for the winter, we are already preparing for the Turkey Burner (our winter program) and the upcoming 2011 season. It has been great to see the evolution of our program over ten years to where it… Read More

  • There are only TWO BAD FOODS

    Sodas (pop) and artificial sweeteners (Aspartame and Splenda, or Sucralose) Whoa, did I, as a registered Dietitian just write that? The position statement of both the Dietitians of Canada and of the American Dietetic Association is that Aspartame and Splenda are safe, acceptable sweeteners useful for weight loss. But when we graph the pop/soda consumption… Read More

  • Burn more fat: Skip Breakfast before workout (WRONG)

    We saw an article on Yahoo! news describing a study in the journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. Whilst the catchy headline told me to skip breakfast, the research data did nothing to persuade me to give up breakfast before exercising. The study looked at only 7 healthy and fit youths, with only… Read More

  • It’s not what you get too much of but what you get too little of…

    And what do we want to be getting more of in our diets? Plants, in all the colors of the rainbow and lots of them. Benefits…too numerous to mention such as increases in energy, fewer digestive issues, “feeling better and lighter” etc. Plants are loaded with things called antioxidants which are basically like pac men… Read More

  • My Year of Eating Less Meat

    One of my New Year’s resolutions (besides mastering the use of chopsticks), is to reduce and possibly eliminate my consumption of meat and poultry. I’m not a high consumer of meat, never have been and I always considered myself a compassionate carnivore; I buy and eat only organic meats and eat only wild fish. It’s… Read More
