Habits to Health
Q&A: I am over working from home. What should I do?
Q: I am really struggling with working from home. What should I do? A: The world has learned a lot from the past 10 months of Covid. One of the unforeseen outcomes was a mass migration of office workers from downtown to their dens. A variety of research on the phenomena has found both positive… Read More
How To Stay Healthy During The Holidays
While the holidays are supposed to be a time to recharge, reset, and rejuvenate with friends and family, they often feel more like a drain on our energy. Maintaining a balance between your holiday traditions and indulgences and your health goals is the best way to stay healthy during the holidays. Below are our top… Read More
The four pillars of mental health
Neuroscientists continue to discover that our well-being can actually be trained, just like our muscles. Our brain is the key component in this endeavor, and it’s all possible thanks to a principle called neuroplasticity, which states that our brains are constantly changing in response to our experiences and our lifestyle. Just like riding your bicycle every… Read More
18 Ways To Improve Your Mental Health When Working From Home
Although a healthy diet and exercise are crucial to regulating blood sugar and preventing pre-diabetes, other factors are also proven to be at cause for insulin resistance. Anxiety and stress also have a major role to play in this condition. Read more in Kirkland’s blog. Read More
How Stress Contributes To Diabetes
Although a healthy diet and exercise are crucial to regulating blood sugar and preventing pre-diabetes, other factors are also proven to be at cause for insulin resistance. Anxiety and stress also have a major role to play in this condition. Read more in Kirkland’s blog. Read More
Q&A: What is Burnout & How Do I Prevent It
Q: What is burnout, and how do I prevent and/or manage it? A: Burnout is a psychological state of physical and emotional exhaustion specifically related to occupational stress. Besides being characterized by feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion, it includes increased negative or cynical feelings towards one’s job and reduced professional efficacy. The term “burnout” has… Read More
5 Wellness Questions To Ask Yourself
Taking a moment to pause, reflect, and ask yourself a series of wellness questions is a great habit to include in your routine. As our comprehension of health evolves, we must continue to survey our wellness to ensure we are headed in the right direction. Today, understanding your health and wellness means asking yourself… Read More
How to detox daily weekly and annually
Q: How should I detox daily, weekly, and annually? A: Before we just give you a list of “to do’s”, let’s look at the “why” we should detox. From Mountain Trek’s perspective, detox practices are focused on supporting our natural eliminatory system in removing unwanted substances that put our cells and organs under stress. When… Read More
Pros and Cons of Keto, Whole30 + Intermittent Fasting
Are you thinking about trying a new diet? Quick fixes that jolt our systems are tempting to turn to, but we encourage lasting lifestyle changes. While fad diets may be tempting, there are both pros and cons to Keto, Whole30, and Intermittent Fasting. No diet is worth doing if you can’t do it for the… Read More
Q&A: What is inflammation, and how do I reduce it?
Q: What is inflammation, and how do I reduce it? A: Acute inflammation is a natural healing and protection response from our immune system. Think of your ankle swelling from an accidental roll on the tennis court. The body floods the joint with plasma and immune repair cells to inhibit movement so the soft tissue… Read More