The Skinny on Mountain Trek in Mexico

Mountain Trek in Mexico….. oh-so-nice! I don’t know where to start, or even harder, where to stop in my ravings of Mountain Trek at the Ranch:)

Kirk and I are here at Rancho La Puerta running a new Mountain Trek program. It’s a unique experience to dovetail our program inside another – one we’ve not had the pleasure of enjoying before. The usual routines of yoga, 4 1/2 hour daily hikes and an exercise class after dinner still exist, with some additions. Rancho La Puerta is so well-equiped with various gyms, therapists and renowned fitness instructors that guests can (and do) supplement their daily routines with up to 3 more hours of various classes of their own choosing. Everything from yoga to fitness to art classes are offered daily at great times.

And whilst the Ranch focuses on a la carte fitness classes, our style of hiking and our meal program are certainly new to then Ranch. The result has been as-ever exceptional weight loss, with our Mountain Trek group being reverred as the ‘hard-core’ hikers losing all the weight!

Stay tuned for more from down south………

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