Tips & Advice

Get Tips and Advice from the guides at Mountain Trek. Nutrition, Hiking, Sleep, Detox and Fitness are just some of the topics we cover.

How To Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions

How doing less will help you achieve more

Ringing in the New Year is supposed to be exciting. The thing is, it’s often far from it. We’re hyped up on sugar while we enjoy the night’s festivities, but when we crash, we’re reminded how our New Year’s resolutions don’t last more than a few weeks. By which I mean a maximum of two of the 52 weeks we were supposed to uphold them. We’re reminded we don’t have the willpower. We don’t have the discipline. We’re “failures”.

Just writing these words bums us out; because in reality, we’re not powerless. We’re not negligent. We’re not a failure. 

If anything, we’re simply overachieving. In turn, we’re setting ourselves up for not accomplishing our goals. We’ve looked at this problem long and hard (Learn the top 5 pitfalls of typical Resolutions). Let us introduce you to what will forever change not just your sentiment around the New Year, but your life: micro-resolutions. 

Micro-Resolutions are the Solution

Micro-resolutions are simple, concrete actions that compound over time to achieve a goal. Tiny behavioral changes you can form into daily habits. These are the key to making lasting changes.  Micro-resolutions, even though they seem less impactful, are twice as likely to succeed as typical goals. These small wins will add up over time to be something far greater than any goal you have set in the past.

With that, this year try being less ambitious, and about making intentions so do-able they seem trivial. Because if it’s drastic, it’ll feel too foreign, and you won’t bake it into your routine. Choose a micro-resolution that can build upon an existing behavior; something specific and personal.

The less abstract your goal, the easier it will be to enforce because you won’t be quite so resistant.

Here’s an example. Last year, I made the lofty New Year’s resolution to cut out all refined sugar, primarily because I thought it would bring my hormone levels into harmony. At first, the arbitrary line I drew was no desserts, cookies, doughnuts, chocolate, candy, waffles, ice cream, and brownies. No sweetened yogurts, cakes, milkshakes, you name it, either. I was going cold turkey.

Not even one week later (yes, you have permission to laugh), I was tricking myself into chocolatey granola bars—they’re healthful and fibrous and good for the heart, no?—and jam-topped toast, because jam’s practically a fruit, right? My goal—no sugar, at all, ever—was too ambitious. It caused me to crumble, and quick.

This year, I’m tackling the same sugar-free resolution, but with a micro-resolution mindset. Instead of saying none, ever, my micro-resolution is: enjoy two desserts per week. Seems doable, right?  This means I can still enjoy a vanilla yogurt every now and then, and I won’t feel so painfully deprived. By moderating my sugar intake instead of ending it, hard and fast, I’ll be able to more easily achieve my ultimate goal of hormonal balance. Win, win.

How to turn over-ambitious resolutions into manageable micro-resolutions:  

To eat healthier To cook one new healthy recipes per week
To sit for only four hours daily To stand at my standing desk every morning while I read my emails
To never use my electronic devices around my children To leave my phone at the front door when I get home Monday through Friday
To lose 20lbs To eat breakfast three times weekly
To exercise every day To go for an energizing hike, at least 60 minutes, four times monthly
To give up alcohol To only drink on the weekends, Friday included, after 5pm
To sleep more To get to bed at 10 pm on Tuesday of every week

As the author John Bytheway says, “Inch by inch, life’s a cinch. Yard by yard, life’s hard.” Although setting concrete, actionable micro-resolutions will seem small and easy at first, over time they will compound into dramatic, mile-sized changes.  

We also discovered that actually writing down your micro-resolutions, instead of keeping your goals to yourself, dramatically improves your chances of success. This happens because once anyone else knows about your goal, it becomes more real than ever. You are no longer accountable to just yourself, but everyone who knows what you are trying to accomplish. To help you accomplish your goals this year, we’ve created the Mountain Trek Goal Tracker, a simple accountability tool that will make you ten times more likely to succeed!

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

Micro Resolution Tracker

Micro-Resolution Tracker

Welcome to the Mountain Trek Micro-Resolution tracker!

Micro-resolutions are simple, concrete actions that compound over time to achieve a goal. Simply setting micro-resolutions makes you twice as likely to succeed compared to typical goal setting (learn more about that here). However, going one step further and actually writing down your micro-resolutions—vs leaving them in your head—makes you 3x as likely to accomplish your goals!

So list your micro-resolution(s) below to give yourself the best shot of success this year:

5 Reasons Your New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Avoid These 5 Resolution Pitfalls

Sorry to break it to you, but New Year’s resolutions don’t work. In fact, 92% of them fail. Don’t believe us? Think back to any of the ones you’ve made. Perhaps you vowed to read more, and ended up reading more of your eyelids. And maybe you said you’d eat more healthfully, and then found yourself with a salad, topped with bacon, too much cheddar, and a mountain of croutons. We know because we’re in the same boat.

Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” By Einstein’s standards, we should all put on a straight-jacket before making this year’s resolutions. It’s time we break the cycle.

First, we must study our enemy. Why do our resolutions fail? What is so fundamentally flawed with setting goals on January 1st? Only once we have these answers can we give ourselves a fighting chance of success. 

5 reasons your resolutions fail, and how to dramatically improve your chances of success

You have too many resolutions.

Sure, we’d all like to start the year with the hope of reading a book every month, going to the gym every day, walking to work, eating salads 90% of the time, and sleeping 12 hours nightly. Pick one goal, find a small way you can bake that goal into your daily life. For example, if your goal is to read more, set the intention to read for 30 minutes three times per week. Before you know it, those three times will feel so natural you’ll be able to add a fourth and fifth reading session, no sweat.

Your resolutions are too big.

Saying you will drop four dress sizes in four months is all fun and games until you find yourself in the same pair of pants at Thanksgiving. Keep it real by setting your goal to not eat desserts, including doughnuts, pancakes, and muffins at least four times per week.

Your resolutions aren’t concrete.

Arbitrarily saying you’re going to lose weight isn’t enough. You need concrete steps to take to achieve your goal. Turn the resolution “to exercise more” into “to take one fitness class three times weekly.” Once you’ve bagged your 12 fitness classes for the month, treat yourself to something. That could be a massage, or a night at the movies–anything that will help keep you motivated.    

Your resolutions don’t fit into your routine.

If you’ve resolved to go for a lengthy hike in nature four times weekly, but you live in the city and don’t get off work until the sun has set, you’re doomed. Set a goal you can incorporate into your routine. Once it becomes a habit you’ll have accomplished your goal for life, and you’ll only keep improving upon it.

You keep it a secret.

Telling the world your goals may be scary because of fear of judgment and disappointment should you not reach them. But it’s one of the best ways to ensure staying on track. Sharing your micro-resolution with your family and friends holds you accountable, and therefore makes you more likely to succeed. Don’t be nervous–be confident.  

Set “micro-resolutions” and share them with a trusted ally.

Micro-resolutions are simple, concrete actions that compound over time to achieve a goal. Simply setting micro-resolutions versus lofty, over the top goals makes you twice as likely to succeed. Learn more about micro-resolutions.

Go one step further by writing down your micro-resolution and sharing it. Writing your micro-resolution down, instead of leaving it in your head, makes you three times as likely to accomplish your goal. Even better, sharing your goal with a trusted friend, and then sending weekly follow-ups makes you 10 times as likely to accomplish your goal! We’ve created the Mountain Trek Goal Tracker, a simple accountability tool, to help you accomplish your goals this year.

This is your year.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

5 Steps To A Merry, Healthful Holiday

family at a dinner table enjoying food and wineThe holidays are a time for family, warmth, and indulging — but we can often end up with bad sleep habits, little or no fitness regimen, and putting on a couple of unwanted pounds from holiday festivities. However, you can still enjoy the holidays without going overboard and go into the holiday season with confidence!

These are our top tips for a healthy holiday:

1. Make A Commitment To Be Kind To Yourself

Like we’ve discussed before — no major lifestyle change is successful without empathy for the self. When we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves (never having carbs again, exercising every single day), when we inevitably falter, our sense of failure and shame often results in giving up entirely. Smaller, incremental changes are the key to long-term success.

No one is perfect: creating space for your own imperfections will allow you to both enjoy the holidays to their fullest as well as stay conscientious about your health priorities.

2. Map Out Your Holiday Season Events

Holiday parties? Check. Cookie swaps? Check. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christmas, New Years’ Eve, school parties, work parties, and more — get them all on your calendar. Then, take a step back and identify which events you really want to indulge in, and which you can approach with moderation in mind.

Make sure to prioritize indulging in the things you really love: Do you make cookies as a family every year? Do you and your spouse adore the company holiday party each year? Don’t rob yourself of your favorites.

By that same token, don’t “waste” calories on events that aren’t a priority. Creating this balance will help manage holiday indulgences.

3. Create & Stick To A Plan During The Week

In order to offset indulgences at events, be sure to stick to a nutrition, fitness, sleep, and stress plan during the week. With whirlwind events and cold/flu season, it’s the perfect time to prioritize your health. Meal plan your weekday meals, schedule/make time for fitness and create time for relaxation — whether it’s luxuriating in a bath or setting a goal for weekly meditation.

This Spiral Chicken with Mashed Cauliflower and Cranberry Recipe is a healthy holiday favorite at Mountain Trek.

4. Plan Health and Wellness Themed Activities With Loved Ones

Think about ways you can spend time with loved ones that involve treating your body, mind, and spirit. Go on a long walk or hike with a friend instead of a boozy brunch, a yoga class and a steam at a local gym instead of happy hour, snowy winter walks after dinner with your spouse instead of Netflix, and more.

5. Develop A Strategy For Eating Out

It’s hard to stay on track while eating out! Check out our secrets for navigating restaurant menus. Our favorite tip: determine your simple carbohydrate priorities. Plan to pick either bread, dessert OR alcohol — this allows you to enjoy yourself without going overboard.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning program, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress, anxiety, and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

Struggling With Your Fitness + Nutrition Regimen? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions.

a person overlooking a rocky viewpoint to the ocean

Oftentimes conversations about health focus solely on physical needs; but in order to achieve true vitality, we must look beyond the basics of water, food, shelter, and sleep. Humans have mental needs (creativity, learning, meditation), emotional needs (relationship, sharing of feelings, feelings of belonging), and spiritual needs (need for inspiration, contemplation, beauty, and context). Checking in with the self to gauge whether your emotional, mental, and spiritual needs are being met is a crucial step in achieving total wellness.

Without a solid emotional, mental, and spiritual foundation, even the best, most well-organized nutritional and fitness regimens can become totally ineffective. If emotional, mental, and spiritual needs are not being met, you’ll feel stress and a lowering of willpower. Anyone that struggles with emotional eating can attest to that!

Related Article: Wellness Questionnaire

If you have a stressful job and like to unwind with a glass (or three) of wine each night, you might be negatively impacting healthy sleep and healthy weight. However, if the mental and emotional stress of your job doesn’t change, how can you expect this pattern to? Often, people are too hard on themselves, and understand their coping mechanisms as failures. All humans use coping mechanisms to deal with stress. Getting to the source of those stressors is the key to unlocking true vitality.

If you’ve been struggling with “staying on track,” ask yourself the following questions

Mental Health

Do you have a creative outlet of focus that brings joy to your daily work?
Are your ideas and talents welcome in your line of work?

Emotional Needs

Do you have people in your life with whom you feel close enough to share your dearest hopes and fears?
Human contact is incredibly important to wellbeing — are you getting touched, whether through intimacy or massage?

Spiritual Wellbeing

Do you set aside time regularly for solitude and contemplation?
Does your daily life contribute to a larger vision you have for your life?

If you want true change and balanced health and the journey towards transformation, it starts with this self-reflection. If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, take 20 minutes to journal about what you could do to create more time for yourself. Could you benefit from going to a painting or dance class? Taking more time to connect with loved ones? Thinking carefully about whether your work aligns with your personal values? If you want true change and transformation, begin this journey of introspection and self-reflection.

Much of Western culture teaches us that tending to the self shouldn’t be our priority. However, when we honor our own mental, emotional, and spiritual needs, we unlock access to our wisest, truest selves. This self-acceptance and self-love is the most solid foundation available to us for a lifetime of health and wellbeing.

Time for a more immersive return to the self? Join us for some of the best views in the world at our health, wellness, and stress retreat.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning health retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you detox, unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

Captain Ainsworth’s Classic Fall Soup

Captain Ainsworth’s Classic Fall Soup

This soup is named for the founder of our rural area, Ainsworth Hot Springs. We imagine a hot pot of earthy soup like this would have fed the miners toiling away on the nearby mountains a century ago. We’ve innovated with a little coconut milk to build a creamy base and added protein. Our Captain Ainsworth’s Classic Fall Soup serves 4.


  • 1/8 tsp allspice
  • 1 cup butternut squash, cubed
  • 1 cup celery, finely diced
  • 4 oz chicken breasts
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 2 1/2 cup finely chopped Swiss chard
  • 1/2 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced
  • 2 minced cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 tbsp oil
  • 1 cup onions, diced
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 cup veggie or chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup yam, diced


  1. Cube the chicken breasts, lightly sauté or bake, and set aside.
  2. Saute the onions, garlic, celery, and jalapenos in a soup pot with the oil until just translucent then set aside.
  3. Combine the stock, allspice, squash, yam, and celery in another pot and lightly boil until cooked through and tender.
  4. Puree the soup stock until smooth.
  5. Add the onion-celery mix as well as the chard, the chicken, and the coconut milk. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. Season with salt to taste.

The Rise of “Forest Bathing” — And How Forests Reset Your Hormones

mountain and forest scenery in Kokanee glacier park

Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health And Happiness by Dr. Qing Li invites you to the world and art of Japanese “Shinrin-Yoku,” or “forest bath.” Dr. Li is one of the world’s leading experts on how time spent in deep nature improves health and lives. In his book, he writes beautifully and persuasively about the stress of our modern, digital, electric existences, and how spending time in a forest is the answer.

The book takes you on a gorgeous journey through Japan’s forests, where between 2.5 and 5 million people walk these forest trails each year. Japan is home to 62 certified forest therapy bases! 

Dr. Li illustrates a core concept of what many ancient cultures instinctively knew: people are meant to be outside, breathe fresh air, and commune with nature. It’s not just about feeling balanced and de-stressed. 

Forest bathing has been scientifically proven that time spent in nature:

  • increases immune function
  • helps you sleep deeper
  • balances your hormones
  • decreases stress

One study found that after a three-day, two-night forest trip, people’s white blood cell count went up by 53%!

It’s exciting to see one of Mountain Trek’s core tenets of health and wellness gain attention in the public consciousness. The cornerstone of our program is balancing hormones to help your body function optimally — only then can you achieve natural health and functional fitness.

Make Time For Nature – For Your Health’s Sake

Digital detox and time spent in deep nature work together to meaningfully realign and reset your body, mind, and spirit. In deep nature, you find a wealth of negative ions, healing essential oils, and a sorely needed respite from digital devices. Outside, the forest engages all of your senses. The complex, delightful scents of the forest don’t just relax us and put us in a better mood — it’s proven to lower cortisol.

Prioritizing time spent outdoors should no longer be considered just a leisure activity. Dr. Li’s book adds to the growing scientific community calling for more time spent in the forest for your health’s sake. Whether you plan a walk or hike in a local park, or even just step outside during your lunch break, you’ll be reducing stress and supporting your own vitality.

Need a reset? Join us for a week at Mountain Trek, where you’ll be immersed in the forest for more than three hours every day, eat organic spa cuisine, and rebalance your hormones for a more optimal life. Don’t miss August when we hike high into the alpine and get some of the most gorgeous, rewarding views of the season. If you’re an autumn lover, you can’t miss September and October — with cooler temperatures and stunning fall foliage, it’s some of our favorite hiking of the year. Check out our rates and dates page for more information. Go ahead — you deserve it.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

Mountain Trek Retreat & Health Spa


Sunset at the Mountain Trek Lodge & Spa

What To Expect:

Imagine an all-inclusive luxurious health and wellness retreat that not only takes care of your every need but also ensures you lose weight and improve your fitness. At Mountain Trek’s health retreat in Canada it’s easy to reverse the effects of aging and feel vitality again. You’re going to relax fully and deeply, reduce your stress, reset your metabolism, and overcome your health hurdle.

Spend a week or two at our beautiful Nelson, British Columbia lodge and receive the individualized attention you deserve. Nestled in the pristine mountains, Mountain Trek allows you to retreat from your busy urban lifestyle and truly reconnect with yourself and with nature. Our all-inclusive program, which runs from Saturday to Saturday, hosts a maximum of 16 guests, and our experienced, caring staff, ensure you’ll be well taken care of your entire stay. While here, you’ll have nothing to worry about except enjoying your retreat.

Watch our program video above to learn more.

What Our Program Accomplishes:

  • Raising cardiovascular fitness levels by Nordic Fitness Trekking 3-4 hrs daily and participating in a variety of evening fitness classes (for fat-burning opportunities)
  • Raising human growth hormones via strength training classes 3 times per week
  • Lowering the stress hormone Cortisol, by removing caffeine and limiting device use to private bedrooms
  • Raising the sleep hormone melatonin by powering off WiFi between 10pm-6am
  • Supporting the elimination organs by removing inflammatory foods such as sugar, alcohol, starch and processed food
  • Plus: improved fitness, weight loss, stress reduction, improved sleep and toxin elimination

Thousands of guests have realized the benefits of giving their body and mind a break from their day-to-day lifestyle. And they’ve also found their own choices within the program to participate at the level and intensity that supports their unique goals. Please phone us (1-800-661-5161) to see how the Mountain Trek detox retreat and health program can be adjusted to meet your own needs.

Program Features:

Watch the sun rise over the mountains and lake while you relax, release tension, stretch and mobilize to start your day.

You’ve never seen scenery like this before! Prepare to hike in one of the most lush environments on earth.

Locally farmed organic vegetables, fruit, meat and so much more are on the menu and are expertly prepared by our professional chefs.

Learn why it’s so important to get moving and to immerse yourself in nature through “forest bathing” experiences.

Your body will be so grateful as you sweat out winter’s toxins in our state-of-the-art fitness gym.

Mild days & cool nights – perfect temperatures for an evening soak in our outdoor spa or a soothing massage before bed.

Contact Us to Learn More

Our Favorite Bodyweight Exercises

It’s a difficult task to prioritize time for exercise and maintain fitness. Between work responsibilities, balancing home life, children, and travel, it’s easy to de-prioritize exercise. And when people do think about exercise, it’s often cardio. However, don’t forget stretching and support body strength. Many people are intimidated by free weights at the gym, but exercising needn’t always take place there! Here are some of our favorite exercises that you can complete almost anywhere — at home or on the road.


illustration of a person executing plank pose exercise

This classic bodyweight exercise strengthens your abdominals and your pelvic floor. Your body’s core is the foundation of a person’s strength: your core muscles support your spine and pelvis and are crucial for balance.

  • Start in on all fours; like for cat-cow, make sure your arms are directly beneath your shoulders. 
  • Step one foot back at a time so that your heels are directly above your ankles. 
  • Maintain a straight line from your head, along your spine, to your ankles. To achieve this: engage your core, draw your belly-button to your spine, and squeeze your glutes. 
  • Look straight down at the ground, and not at your toes to maintain your straight spine. 
  • Hold for as long as you can, then lower your knees for 10 seconds and repeat 10 times. 
  • If this hurts your wrists, or you begin to get tired, lower to your elbows and/or your knees.

Traditional Squat

illustration of a person executing squat exercise

Strength training builds the muscles we need to burn calories and also helps counteract osteoporosis and the effects of a catabolic (or decaying) metabolism. The glutes are the largest and most powerful muscle system in the body! The traditional, unweighted squat is an excellent strength challenge for the glutes, quads, and hamstrings — it even strengthens your lower back and abdominals. As such, it’s an incredibly efficient bodyweight workout.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with your toes facing forward. With, or without holding weights.
  • Relax your shoulders away from your ears and hold your arms by your sides. 
  • Then, lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor, almost like you’re sitting down in a chair.
  • Keep your chest high and your weight in your heels, not your toes!
  • Slowly raise yourself to stand by pressing into your heels and engaging your glutes.
  • Make sure your pelvis is tilted forward to keep any strain off your lower back.

Challenging yourself? Try jump squats — squat deep, and on your way back up thrust yourself into the air, pointing your toes.

Side Lunge

illustration of a person executing standing side lunge exercise

So much of our daily movement is on the forward and backward plane of motion, leading to tight hip flexors and hips. This is an excellent exercise to stretch and strengthen your lower body and core. 

  • Begin with your feet hip-width apart, your hips square, and your shoulders over your hips.
  • Take a wide lateral step, and bend into that knee as low as you can without lifting your heels.
  • Engage your core to keep your chest high, and your weight in your heels, not your toes!
  • Feel the stretch along your inner thigh.
  • Slowly raise yourself to stand by pressing into your heels and engaging your glutes.
  • Repeat on each leg 10 times

Standing Hip Stretch

illustration of a person executing standing hip stretch exercise

Flexibility is so important, especially as we age. If we don’t continue to lengthen our muscles, we’ll end up with less range of motion. Stretching should occur right when you wake up, intermittently throughout the day, before and after workouts, and just before bed — even if just for 5 minutes. When stretching, be mindful, focusing on the muscle you’re working. Relax with each exhalation, and don’t push too hard — this risks overextension. Ride the line of challenging yourself without putting yourself in pain.

One of our favorite stretches can be done anywhere. This stretch counteracts the rounding of the back that occurs while sitting at a desk.

  • Find a desk or table that is hip height. Alternatively, you can use a wall. 
  • With hands firmly placed on the desk and your feet hip-width apart, walk your feet back, creating a 90-degree angle in the body. 
  • Extend your sitting bones back, opening the chest and armpits while lengthening the spine.
  • Feel the stretch along the entire backs of your legs, your spine, chest, shoulders, and arms.
  • Take three big, deep breaths, and slowly walk yourself back to a standing position.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

© Copyright - Mountain Trek Fitness Retreat & Health Spa, Ltd.