
Learn about the importance of relaxation as part of a healthy lifestyle. De-stress and improve your health by relaxing.

Self Soothing to Replace Stress Eating

Self soothing with food

Emotional Eating is a common stress release, or reward choice, for most of us. Using food as a way to work through our feelings, we lower the intensity, or even numb uncomfortable emotions by chewing, grazing, searching, tasting, craving, overeating or even binging. Unfortunately, eating can lead to guilt or shame when we do it for soothing rather than to stop hunger. In Susan Albers book “50 Ways to Soothe Yourself Without Food”, the author of Eating Mindfully, offers 5 other choices to replace stress eating:

  1. Mindful Meditation Techniques
  2. Changing Thoughts (journalling, affirmations, etc)
  3. Soothing Sensations to Calm and Relax the Body (baths, yoga, massage, etc)
  4. Soothing with Distractions (music, shopping, creativity, etc)
  5. Social Soothing (buddy system, furry friends, safe venting, etc)

Susan’s practical alternatives to stress eating are beneficial to all of us who anesthetize our difficult emotions with oral pleasures. Her crux, is to practice “Radical Acceptance”…the complete focusing on “what is” rather than on how we wish things should be…feeling our feelings and accepting them for what they are. Susan offers,”Emotional eating is the opposite of acceptance…it involves warding off feeling bad with comfort eating because we don’t accept the way we feel.” Acceptance doesn’t equal condonance, it just allows more grace to be with what is…and the spaciousness to explore our unmet needs. Check out Susan’s Book if any of these thoughts resonate for you.


Reinventing Aging : Reduce or Managing Stress

Looking for a way to easily reduce stress? Walk into any bookstore and the opportunities are boundless, dozens and dozens of experts expounding research supporting the ill effects of aging. Everything from heart disease to getting fat around the middle to wrinkles is attributed to stress. Looking to accelerate the aging process? Just add stress.

In MT’s last newsletter, a yoga pose was described for restoring and rejuvenating when stress is causing you to lose your cool and calm. The backbone of this pose, actually of all yoga or meditative practices is the breath. If you do one thing, remember to breathe and breathe deeply and slowly. Take 20 seconds now and simply close your eyes and take in those big breaths.

See…feeling more calm and centered instantly. Simple and effective. And it works every time!

The Power of the Mind


The mind has tremendous power over our physical well-being. We can certainly support good health by eating a natural foods diet with a limited amount of processed or refined foods and get regular physical movement, but how we perceive ourselves and the world around us makes a difference.

In several interviews with centenarians, most exhibit one striking similarity: they are all happy, bright, and exuberant. It is their positive outlook on life that contributes to their longevity and well-being. What contributes to an overall sense of well-being? Play and laughter. Play is any activity you engage in for the reward of simply doing it. It’s important to do something you enjoy not just on weekends but every day. Remember a tip from Kirk’s self-care talks – do something you’ve wanted to do or used to enjoy without any attachment to end results. And of course, no one needs to tell us the importance of a good belly laugh. Rent a comedy, read a funny book, tell funny stories of your past to your kids, just remember to laugh.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at or reach out below:

As David Bowie sings…ChChChChanges!

Gym work outTime to make the change…chchchchanges….ah yes, it’s entering the third week of the New Year, our lists are posted on our fridges, this is the YEAR I want to and will:

  1.  lose weight
  2.  get fit
  3.  have more energy.

Change, if it was easy, would negate the endless diet books, endless motivation books, and endless books in general with advice on how to incorporate and stay with our goals.

What is our motivator to make change? What continues to motivate us to continue to pursue our goals when life seems to interfere with our plans? I read somewhere that training new habits takes courage and compassionate resolve – its purpose enables you to transform or assimilate change through endurance or to step into your power by following your heart or standing up for your choices. It’s a challenge or a test of character that comes from facing your fears or training new habits and it relies on perseverance or the powers of persuasion to hang in there.

For those of you out there, who feel at times the universe conspires against your well intended plans (did you hear the joke about how do you make God laugh? You tell him your plans.) remember to hang in there. Allow yourself the space and grace to flow with what life offers and to be mindful of the choices you make in the moment. It’s the little things we do bit by bit that eventually add up to bigger changes. There is no such thing as failure, just opportunities for learning. So remember to reward yourself every week for your efforts, to journal or somehow keep track of your progress and to find the support you need and to use them especially when times get a bit challenging.

And remember to believe that you can do it!