14 Hacks To Ensure the Best Travel/Trek Experience Ever
When Mountain Trek visited Peru last Spring, we found the following list in one of the beautiful lodges we stayed at. It includes 14 tips for ensuring you have the best travel and trekking experience ever. We thought there was some good wisdom in it that should be shared, especially now that we’re offering pre-registration for our 2014 Spring Hiking Vacation in Japan. On that trip we’ll be exploring the Tokaido (the traditional path of the Shogun), the Shikoku Temples, the world-famous vine bridges and we’ll be relaxing in Onsens every night. (An Onsen is a traditional hot spring accommodation.) Click here and tick the box at the bottom of the page if you would like more information regarding our Japan adventure in 2014.
In the meantime, enjoy these poignant pieces of advice and think of them when you pack your bags to explore the beauties of your own country or to travel around the world.
Travel lightly
You are not travelling for people to see you
Travel slowly
Jet planes are for getting places, not seeing places: take time to absorb the beauty and inspiration of a mountain or temple.
Travel expectantly
Every place you visit is like a surprise package to be opened. Untie the strings with an expectation of high adventure.
Travel hopefully
“To travel hopefully is better than to arrive,” wrote Robert Louis Stevenson.
Travel humbly
Visit people and places with reverence and respect for their traditions and ways of life.
Travel courteously
Consideration for your fellow travellers and your hosts will smooth the way through the most difficult days
Travel gratefully
Show appreciation for the many things that are being done by others for your enjoyment and comfort.
Travel with an open mind
Leave your prejudices at home.
Travel with curiosity
It is not how far you go, but how deeply you go that mines the gold of experience. Remember that Thoreau wrote a big book about the very tiny Walden Pond.
Travel with imagination
As the Spanish proverb goes, “He who would bring home the wealth of the Indies must carry the wealth of the Indies with him.”
Travel fearlessly
Banish worry and timidity; the world and its people belong to you just as you belong to the world.
Travel relaxed
Make up your mind to have a good time and let go.
Travel patiently
It takes time to understand others, especially when there are barriers of language and custom. Keep flexible and adaptable to all situations.
Travel with the spirit of a world citizen
You’ll discover that people are basically much the same the world around. Be an ambassador of good will to all people.
+ 6 Bonus Tips:
- Always pause, at least for 15 seconds and take it all in. The destination is only as beautiful as the journey.
- Make an effort to associate your feelings of peace and tranquility with a landmark on the trip. This will come in handy when you are back home.
- Think about your loved ones. If you are with them, share and bond. If they are not with you, lend them your senses.
- Learn with every footstep, every word, every sense.
- Look up at the sky at night at least once. Try to understand how ancient civilizations guided themselves by this.
- Let go, at least once during your trip. Do something you would not normally do.