A major part of Mountain Trek’s Program is Exercise. We don’t get enough of it today in our urban lifestyle.


Review Magazine Features Mountain Trek

Review Magazine Article_cover-smWriter Leigh Doyle interviewed regular Mountain Trek alumni Jean Aldridge for an article called “Exercise Escape” that appeared in this summer’s issue of Review magazine. The story was all about how Jean visits Mountain Trek to and discussed why she returns every six months: “It’s like adult day camp with planned activities and meals ready for you,” she’s quoted as saying.

The article goes on to say, “A week-long fitness vacation can kick-start motivated individuals into making serious changes by showing them how regular exercise, proper eating and dedicated de-stress time can do the body good.”

Click the thumbnails below to read the entire article:

Review Magazine Article.1-sm

Review Magazine Article.2-sm

Review Magazine Article.3-sm

Mountain Trek Showcased on Revealed Presence Photography Web Site

revealedpresenceRecently professional photographer and public speaker Carla Kimball visited Mountain Trek and documented a few of her days at our spa resort in beautiful southern British Columbia.

Carla posted the photos on her web site www.revealedpresence.com  including images such as the one shown here of our yoga studio, hiking packs lined up along the wall awaiting the day’s adventures, and the beautiful Kootenay lake with the Selkirk mountains in the background.

According to Carla (who is also a public speaking presence coach) the intention of her blog “is to share an image of revealed presence each day.”

We thank Carla for revealing the presence in our retreat.




Join us for the Mountain Trek “Super Reboot” Week

Working togetherAugust is the month for recreation, relaxation and retreat. You’ve worked hard all year and now you deserve to take some time for yourself: it’s time to leave behind the stresses and worries of your job, or whatever it is that occupies too much of your time, if even for a little while. Whether you need to do this on your own, or you’re happy to have your spouse, family or friends join you, it’s time to treat yourself to a Mountain Trek experience! And that experience just got stepped up a notch…

As many of you already know, a week or two at Mountain Trek is a life-changing adventure. Nowhere else offers the unique combination of spa, vacation and boot camp that is the Mountain Trek experience. With our luxurious alpine lodge as your comfortable home base, you’ll experience world-class hiking, and nutrition and lifestyle guidance that will boost your metabolism and shift you into a lasting, healthy state of body and mind for the rest of the year, and beyond!

And now, for the first time ever, Mountain Trek is offering an above-and-beyond experience called the “Super Reboot” week. From August 24-31, 2013, we’ll be offering a unique event, workshop and lecture each day in addition to the regular workouts and massages we provide. And, at no extra cost!

Why are we doing this? Because you deserve it! Here are the additional events you can expect to experience between this coming August 24-31:

Healthy Cosmetics

Did you know there might be lead in your lipstick? In fact there are toxins in many of our everyday body care products and in this evening workshop a beautician expert from Mountain Waters Spa will be discussing the hidden chemicals in shampoos, make-up and other skin and body care products. She will share ways to avoid these products and offer alternate brands that do not pose a risk to our health.

Laurie ChefCooking Re-Mastered with Chef Laurie Hartland

Laurie Hartland is Mountain Trek’s kitchen manager and chef who specializes in creating the healthiest meals possible using seasonal, locally-sourced, organic ingredients. In this workshop she’ll teach you how to make the same quick and healthy meals that she’s mastered for our resort and give you recipes to take home with you to wow your family and friends.

Office Posture Demystified

For the evening Postural Alignment Workshop we take an in-depth look at what postural dysfunction can look like, and what simple and effective things we can do to help correct this. Our instructor, Anna Topf, is a kinesiologist and she’ll spend time with each client looking at their specific spinal curvature and then provide take-home strategies that will help improve your posture so you’ll look and feel better.

Art Therapy with Milli

Art Therapy combines visual art and psychotherapy in a process using a created image as a foundation for self-exploration and understanding. Thoughts and feelings are often easier to express through images rather than in words and this class will allow you to explore your emotions and current state-of-mind through a creative medium. Registered Art Therapist Milli Neufeld-Cummings will have you working with paper and paints to release unconscious feelings and improve your overall well-being.

The Science of Face Reading

Experts say that in China, good doctors can identify 70% of a person’s health problems by examining the patient’s face. The Traditional Chinese Medicine art of face reading can be used as a way of determining the personality and characteristics of a person, and can even be used as a diagnostic tool to help prevent illness. Experts say the health conditions indicated by face readings aren’t set in stone, they’re simply warning signs, but you can heed these signs and make adjustments to protect your long-term health. Join our expert Kendra Starr, Dr. of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as she performs face readings and offers tips and tricks about how to do it yourself.

So, whether you’re a returning Mountain Trek client or new to our world-class hiking retreat, tucked away in the southern British Columbia wilderness, we’d love for you to come join us for our one-of-a-kind “Super Reboot” program between August 24-31, 2013. Click here to find out more info.


Mountain Trek on BC Living’s Must Do List

bc living logoBC Living has just listed Mountain Trek as one of their “To Do” activities in the province.

The story, written by Anna Dupas, lists ten things residents and visitors to British Columbia should do. Of Mountain Trek, Dupas writes:

“this alpine resort offers invigorating exercise, organic cuisine, detoxing saunas and massages — as well as classes in nutrition, stress management and sleep hygiene.”

Dupas goes on to quote Kirkland Shave who says, “We want people to walk out having fallen back in love with their body.”

To read the entire article, log on to BC Living.ca.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning health retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia and featuring daily sunrise yoga and night-time restorative yoga, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress, anxiety, and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

Metro Recommends Hiking to Health with Mountain Trek

metro storyToronto-based freelance writer Vawn Himmelsbach visited Mountain Trek Fitness Retreat and Health Resort this June and her story about rebooting her metabolism appeared last week in Metro, a publication that’s distributed in city centres around North America.

Mountain Trek is “a hiking-focused fitness retreat and health spa in the Selkirk and Purcell ranges of B.C.’s Rocky Mountains, set in a luxury alpine lodge overlooking Kootenay Lake. Once you get through the caffeine withdrawal, you might find it’s one of the best vacations you’ve ever taken,” writes the self-described coffee aficionado.

Vawn goes on to describe her experience at Mountain Trek as a “week in a serene, scenic setting, with a high guide-to-participant ratio to provide a personal and supportive environment.”

Click here to read Vawn’s entire story in Metro.

Secrets for Integrating the Mtn Trek Experience into your Daily Life

Stretch to relief stress when travelling on business

The Mountain Trek program changes your health on many levels. Building muscle, detoxing impurities and burning fat are just some of the ways our guests transform during their stay with us. What people may not realize is Mountain Trek’s focus on exercise, nutrition, stress management, and overall wellness will change people’s lives forever. One or two weeks with us will kick start a new perspective on healthy living practices and when you eventually return to your daily routine, you’ll have an arsenal of good habits to choose from.

Of course, immersion in an intensive fitness program replete with teachers, personal trainers, chefs and hiking guides all set in a stunning and remote wilderness is ideal for fully focusing on one’s health. But bringing this hard-earned knowledge into the routines and schedules back home can be a challenge.

Tips for integrating Mountain Trek into your daily life to keep the experience alive

Manage expectations

Think of Mountain Trek as a retreat from “real life,” a Disneyland of sorts for health-conscious adults. We all have commitments and schedules that require our time and energy in our daily life and we can’t expect to focus on our fitness, nutrition, detoxification, metabolism and stress management for eight hours a day like we did at Mountain Trek. Five to eight hours of exercise per week will suffice.

Take a few days off

Integrate 1-2 things from your list of Health Formulas until they become habitual, then pick another 1 or 2 on your list. Balance these new habits of nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, sleep hygiene, or detoxification with a break of 2 days per week.

Set goals

Make them specific, measurable, attainable and anchored in the time that you allot for fitness.

Take small steps

Integrate your goals gradually and realistically. It’s okay to go for small hikes instead of climbing to the top of the mountain right away. These small steps turn into new habits which eventually take hold in our lifestyle.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

It’s easier to feel motivated if you have friends that will support you and join you in your healthy activities.

Keep a journal

It’s an excellent way to notice and document the changes that you’re going through. Try not to edit or censor yourself. If you can let the stream of consciousness flow, often your heart and mind will reveal some fascinating truths about your fitness journey.

Be gentle with yourself

When you experience some setbacks around your goals, as we all do from time to time, be kind to yourself. The more love and compassion you show towards yourself, the easier it will be to regain confidence and get back on track.

Remember there is no “one size fits all”

Make meal and exercise plans that are right for you. You’re unique so don’t compare yourself to your workout partners, Olympic athletes or favorite movie stars.

Reward Yourself

An occasional beer or ice cream or missed week of exercise won’t kill you. But trying to eat perfectly and have the perfect body, on the other hand, just might. Remember, you’re not on a quest for perfection, you’re on a quest for progression towards a healthy mind, body and soul. And that can only be attained one step and one day at a time.

Of course, in order to integrate the Mountain Trek teachings, you’ll have to join us first!

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning health retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you detox, unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

Why Potassium is so Important for your Body

fitness classes in gymA few weeks ago we published a blog called “Electrolytes: Myth-Busted” in response to a question posted on our Facebook page by a Mountain Trek alumni. The article garnered huge interest and prompted another alumni, James, to ask, “Please speak more on potassium.”

So herewith are the facts everyone should know about potassium and how this important mineral applies to your overall health.

What is potassium?

This mineral is one of the main electrolytes in your body (others include sodium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium). Electrolytes are electrically charged particles that our cells use to maintain voltage across our cell membranes and carry electrical impulses to other cells.

What does it do?

Potassium aids nerve conduction, muscle contraction and heart beat regulation. It also helps maintain normal blood pressure by blunting sodium’s effects and ensures proper fluid balance between your cells and body fluids.

Why is it important?

In addition to helping maintain a proper fluid balance in your body, potassium also performs the following functions:

  • Keeps the blood from clotting
  • Maintains the body’s pH balance
  • Carries nutrients to the cells
  • Protects the stomach lining from the damage that could be caused by stomach acids
  • Maintains healthy blood pressure
  • Promotes heart health
  • Preserves bone health

Raw almondsWhat are some sources of potassium?

Potassium is found in a wide variety of foods but bananas are the ones most famously associated with the mineral. Other sources include:

  • Citrus fruits and tomato juice
  • Melons
  • Leafy greens
  • Broccoli
  • Avocados
  • Almonds and peanuts
  • Raisins and prunes
  • Milk
  • Sweet potatoes and legumes like lima and kidney beans are also high in potassium.
  • Interestingly, sports drinks are typically a poor source of potassium.

Why should you be aware of your potassium levels?

When you sweat (whether from working out, sitting in a sauna or living in a climate with hot, humid temperatures) your perspiration releases potassium out of the body. These decreased levels can lead to adverse effects such as muscle cramping, weakness, fatigue, heart palpitations and constipation. The good news is that potassium is easy to replenish and most people do so by maintaining a diet that includes the above foods. For example, eating almonds after you work out or detoxify in a steam room will help replenish your stores.

When is potassium harmful?

Too little potassium is just as dangerous as too much. A short-term deficiency can cause elevated blood pressure and muscle cramps but on a chronic level (hypokalemia) it is associated with a risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes. If your kidneys are working normally, they’ll regulate the amount of potassium that your body needs but people with diabetes who have kidney disease, for example, need to be especially careful of their potassium intake, as levels can get too high in the body (hyperkalemia), which can, in turn, damage the heart.

What is the suggested intake of potassium?

The recommended intake for adults is 4,700 milligrams daily. People who eat a healthy diet will get enough potassium naturally. However, those who eat mostly processed foods can be short up to a total of 1,000 milligrams. (Some medications for blood pressure could also cause a potassium deficiency, so check with your doctor.)

Should you take potassium supplements?

Unless you have a chronic illness your body will regulate your potassium levels provided your diet consists of certain whole foods like fruit, vegetables and nuts. (See list above.) The only time supplements are recommended is if you require electrolytes due to exertion or excess sweating (Mountain Trek clients might take one daily electrolyte supplement, like Vega Sport Electrolyte Hydrator, due to their high amounts of perspiration) or if you suffer from certain chronic ailments like diabetic ketoacidosis, a metabolic condition more commonly seen in people with Type 1 diabetes.

Blood Glucose testerWhat is the relationship between potassium and diabetes?

Interestingly, some Type 1 diabetics may have too much potassium in their systems while many Type 2 diabetics have too little. Yet, because of certain medications, some Type 2 diabetics may not be able to excrete potassium in the way they should. If you have (or at risk of getting) diabetes, definitely have your doctor perform a potassium test to determine your levels and ensure that your medications or supplements are not negatively impacting your body’s potassium levels.

Mountain Trek’s Weight Loss Tips Shared With Best Health Magazine

best health mag

Freelance writer Trish Snyder visited Mountain Trek Fitness Retreat and Health Resort in summer 2013 and her story appeared this week on Best Health Magazine, a health-specific publication launched by Reader’s Digest.

Mountain Trek “has all the trappings of a luxury wellness retreat,” Trish writes. “At the rustic lodge overlooking Kootenay Lake, guests dine on organic cuisine, detox in saunas and enjoy three weekly massages at the only hiking spa in North America…thanks to classes in sleep, diet, exercise and stress, guests learn simple formulas to take their newfound vitality home.”

Trish goes on to describe some of Mountain Trek’s best weight-loss tips including: “Eating breakfast within 30 minutes of rising kick-starts your metabolism and keeps the liver out of starvation mode. When you skip meals, the body responds by slowing down the metabolism and storing fat.”

Click here to read Trish’s entire story on Best Health Magazine.

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is the health reset you’ve been looking for. Our award-winning retreat, immersed in the lush nature of British Columbia, will help you unplug, recharge, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. To learn more about the retreat, and how we can help you reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

Electrolytes: Myth-busted!

IMG_8791This past week one of our alumni, Mary, wrote on Mountain Trek Facebook’s wall, “Can you post info on when to use electrolytes? I wish I had taken better notes during that lecture!”

Mary is refering to one of the many different lectures our guides deliver during the Mountain Trek program. Topics include “Nutrition,” “Sleep,” and “Stress,” among others. Also, during the morning meal Kirkland or Cathy usually discuss various subjects, including electrolytes.

Because of the fact guests work out approximately 6 to 8 hours a day, and relax in saunas and on massage tables in the evenings while at Mountain Trek, staff are always conscience of people’s energy levels and hydration. Here are five quick myths that guests learn about electrolytes and ones that every active person should know.

1. Gatorade is a great source for electrolytes – FALSE

Advertisers market Powerade and Gatorade as essential for hard-working, professional athletes but the fact is drinks such as these are full of sugar and artificial sweeteners and are more harmful than anything. At Mountain Trek we prefer to use Vega Sport Electrolyte Hydrator – a natural, alkaline-forming drink mix that is free from sugar and sweeteners. It has 11% potassium per 400g and 4% sodium per 100g.

2. I should consume electrolytes before and/or during every workout – FALSE

Electrolyte needs vary from person to person and depend on a variety of factors including body size and fitness level. At Mountain Trek, the guides may consume electrolytes once every two weeks but guests usually get them twice a week or more because of all the sweating and detoxing that’s done during workouts and sauna sessions. However, consuming too many electrolyte supplements overloads the body with sodium and does more harm than good.

3. I should only consume electrolytes when my muscles cramp – FALSE

Although there are some different thoughts about what causes cramping, most scientists agree it’s a body’s warning sign that you’re getting dangerously low on fluids and electrolytes. By then it’s too late to doing anything immediate, however, because cramping means the damage is already done and it’ll take time for the electrolytes to be absorbed again. Each body is different so you’ll have to be aware of your energy levels at all times and react accordingly but a general rule of thumb is if you start to experience ringing in your ears or are mild heart palpitations immediately stop what you’re doing and consume a serving of electrolyte. (In those cases your body requires sodium.) if you feel your muscles may start to cramp or your energy is starting to flat-line then you also need an electrolyte (because your potassium stores are depleted.) In each case, consume a glass of water with an electrolyte supplement dissolved in it and continue to hydrate. And remember that next time you perform a similar workout you will need to prepare accordingly.

4. Salt pills are sufficient right? – FALSE

Salt tablets are an unacceptable choice for electrolyte replenishment because they only supply two of the electrolytes your body requires (sodium and chloride) and they can oversupply sodium, thereby causing further damage. Again, stick to a natural, sugar-free electrolyte supplement such as Vega Sport.

5. It will require time and practice to dial in my electrolyte requirements – TRUE

There isn’t an easy answer when it comes to electrolyte consumption. To use a metaphor, electrolytes are like the oil in a car: they’re not the fuel that makes you go, but they’re essential in keeping the engine working properly. And, similar to the oil tank in your car, you don’t want it to ever be empty, nor do you want it over full. The key is to always have electrolytes on hand and to monitor your pre-, during, and post-workout habits. If you have a long sauna session one night and then work out for two hours the next day and start to feel a leg cramp coming on, then you’ll know the next time you do something similar to include an electrolyte supplement at breakfast, a few hours before your workout.