Homemade Gatorade

When you sweat, you lose electrolytes, which are critical to your muscle function and overall hydration levels. Electrolytes also help your body regulate chemical reactions and conduct electrical charges, which is how your muscles contract, so ensuring proper electrolyte levels is essential to your performance on the trail, court, track, or wherever you find yourself sweating this summer!

Popular sports drinks like Gatorade, replenish electrolytes in the form of salt, but also are packed with unhealthy sugars in an attempt to provide readily available glucose energy.

Instead, try our homemade Gatorade (we’ve dubbed it “Electrolade”), which is made with naturally occurring honey sugars as well as pure sea salt or Himalayan salt.


  • 4 cups water
  • 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
  • 3 Tbs raw honey
  • 1/4 tsp pink Himalayan salt, or pure sea salt


  1. Pour into blender, pulse to combine, and chill in fridge for 2 hours or more.
  2. Enjoy after sweaty summer hikes and workouts!

What is Mountain Trek?

Mountain Trek is an award-winning health retreat located in the lush forests of British Columbia, Canada. Founded in 1991, our health reset program helps 16 guests at a time unplug, recharge, reconnect with nature, and roll back years of stress and unhealthy habits. Our nutrition program uses local, organic ingredients and reduces inflammation and balances blood sugar levels and hormones. To learn more about Mountain Trek, and how we can help reset your health, please email us at info@mountaintrek.com or reach out below:

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