Laurinda is the first recipient of the Deserving Fund. Her role as sole caretaker of her parents, now in their high 80’s, stuck out to us, as we know how stressful, emotional, and draining this show of support can be, and how, as with the case with Laurinda, it’s easy to turn to negative and destructive health habit to self-medicate and escape. We look forward to hosting Laurinda this summer for a much-deserved health reset, and are honored that the Deserving Fund could help make her retreat a possibility. Thank you to Laurinda for having the courage to apply to the fund, and thank you to all of the Mountain Trek alumni who donated to the fund to make it possible. Read on to learn more about Laurinda, in her own words…
Who Is Laurinda Cumming?
Hi there! I’m Laurinda Cummings – mother of 3 grown, married, and off-the-payroll children AND grandmother of 6! A transplant from Michigan, I was moved to Alabama for Maxwell AF base. I must admit, I do NOT miss the snow but the heat is a definite challenge! I stay very active and am always willing to try new adventures, however…..if the activity is outside my comfort zone, I can usually be bribed with a cup of Dunkin coffee!
What was your thought process when signing up for a health retreat? Why Mountain Trek?
I’ve known that I needed a “reset” for a while. Caring for others full-time has not allowed any time for myself. My cup is definitely empty. I was searching for a place and staff that specialized in teaching others how to care for yourself so you can care for others. My search led me to Mountain Trek. I watched every Mountain Trek YouTube video and was impressed with the knowledge and compassion of the staff – my ears heard their words, but my heart was stirred to action! It was late at night when I sent my first email message, and Alex answered me almost immediately. I believe Mountain Trek was made to help and inspire people like me to continue to fulfill the responsibilities we face, daily. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to go, learn, and grow.
If you had one extra hour each day, what would you spend that hour doing?
You will ALWAYS find me in my glass studio. I call it a “studio” to sound fancy, but it’s in my attic. It’s my solace. I’ve been working glass for over 30 years and enjoy repairing broken pieces so they can once again bring amazing light into people’s lives. I make doo-dads to sell at craft fairs and bigger windows and doors on commission. If I shake your hand, you’ll see about 3 or 4 band-aids on my fingers…. don’t ask!
Do you have a favorite quote?
My favorite quote is by John Maxwell. “Attitude isn’t everything, but it’s the one thing that can make a difference in your life.” There are many situations in your life that you cannot change, but I refuse to be a “victim of circumstance” – your attitude will always determine your altitude and I believe that a smile can change your day. I laugh a lot, cry a little, and rely on the hope of a better tomorrow. Thank you, John Maxwell!
Is there a funny moment in your life you’d like to share?
Funny story– I once dropped my child off a cliff while potty training— Yep!!! A stressed-out Mom, a toddler’s cry for a potty break, and the side of the highway at night DO NOT MIX. I thought I saw grass when I let go of his tiny little hands, but ahhhh, I was actually looking at the tops of trees! He was found, unharmed and laughing. He has since forgiven me 😊.
Thank you, Laurinda, for sharing your story of how you came to find Mountain Trek. Your selfless giving, eagerness to learn, and optimism are inspiring!
What is Mountain Trek?
Rated one of the best wellness retreats in the world and located in the healing forest of British Columbia, Canada, Mountain Trek is a week-long immersive health reset program proven to dramatically transform your body, mind, and spirit. Whether you feel overworked, overweight, or just in need of time to unplug, slow down, and recharge, Mountain Trek is for you.
To learn how our award-winning health retreat can help you melt stress away, restore energy levels, burn fat, purge toxins, and return home revitalized, recharged, and years younger than when you arrived, please email us at or reach out below:
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