Reset, rebalance and reclaim your life, all with the help of Mountain Trek’s mobile app: Guide in Your Pocket. Mountain Trek is the only fitness retreat and hiking vacation in the world that gives you a tool to start your health and fitness journey before you arrive and it helps maintain results long after you leave. Health Guide in Your Pocket is structured around the 5 lifestyle paths of our program (nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress relief, and detoxification) and it allows you to do the following:
- Learn science-based tips and formulas to support your habit via our virtual guidebook.
- Find healthy, delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes and create shopping lists in our virtual cookbook.
- Set practical and realistic health actions for yourself with our guided habit building tool.
Mountain Trek’s Guide in Your Pocket is different from other wellness apps because our approach is holistic; rather than just concentrate on calorie counting or exercise movement, we give you the tools to create overall healthy goals and habits. And our app was designed by wellness experts and behavioral scientists who have ensured you get the motivation you need to support lifestyle change. It’s based on an immersive approach to health and wellness that has been practiced, refined and perfected for over 15 years at our program in the mountains of British Columbia.
The steps are simple: download the app and then choose from a list of health actions (or create your own) and set up a schedule. The app will then remind, encourage and offer rewards for you to help turn that action into a habit that’s as ingrained as brushing your teeth. You can also scroll throughout popular and award-winning recipes for meal ideas and shopping lists.
Unleash the strongest and healthiest version of yourself! Download Mountain Trek’s Health Guide in Your Pocket app for iPhone and start achieving your health goals such as weight loss, improved fitness, better sleep, and much more.